Chapter 18

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Albus's point of view

Albus grabbed a bottle of butterbeer and walked over to the corner where his boyfriend was and wrapped his arm around his waist.

"Is this where you're hiding, babe?" he said. "You just left."

"Sorry," said Scorpius. "Bea got upset and wanted to talk about that Isac guy."

"He's in my year and we have potions together," Bianca explained and stepped closer to Albus so no one could hear her. "Me and him almost had a thing last year. Then he turned out to be a player."

"Ouch," said Albus and took a sip of his butterbeer.

An hour later Albus had opened his third butterbeer bottle and began enjoying the party.

"Let's play a game!" said Bianca. "How about truth or dare?"

At first Albus hesitated but as Scorpius agreed to join he did the same. Along with a few others, including Lily, they gathered around a circle. Albus and Scorpius sat down beside each other, across from Bianca.

"Okay, shall I start?" said Bianca. As everyone agreed she gave a bottle a flick from her wand and it started to spin, and ended up pinting at Scorpius. "Scorpius. Truth or dare?"

"Hmm... Dare," he said.

"Okay then," said Bianca and flipped her hair. "Now be one hundred percent honest with us. You have to snog the absolute prettiest person in this game."

"Easy one," he said and turned to Albus, and the next second he felt his tongue slipping inside. Everyone cheered except for Bianca who gave them a weak smile. "Oh, you got some blood on your lip," said Scorpius and and wiped it with his sleeve. "Alright, my turn!"

The game went on for hours and a few others had joined in without Albus noticing. He had, during those hours, admitted his first male crush and danced the Macarena dance on a table (Bianca taught him the steps). He had lost his counting on how many butterbeers he had.

He was now leaning onto Scorpius's shoulder, and next to Bianca he saw Isac who had his arm wrapped around... Lily?! Probably as a friend, he hoped as the game continued.

"Isac, truth or dare?" said a stranger.

"Truth," he said.

"Okay. If you were stuck on an island, without your wand. Who would you choose as your companion?" Isac turned to Lily.

"Well this young lady wouldn't be a bad choice. Then we could fly away with those beautiful wings of yours."

Lily was blushing and Albus didn't like it. A guy who, according to Bianca, was a player was flirting with his sister, and she seemed to like him. Lily deserved a lot better than this.

It was almost midnight, and Albus could now barely walk straight, so he had to hold onto Scorpius. He started to get tired as well. He thought about their dorm. All their dorm mates was at the party which meant he and Scorpius would be there alone.

"Hey Scorpius?" he mumbled. Scorpius looked at him. "It's getting boring here. Can we leave?"

"Of course," he said as he seemed to notice that Albus wasn't quite well.

He brought him to their dorm. He placed Albus on his bed and then went to take off his shirt that was covered in blood. The everlasting blood had stopped spreading so all he had to do was go and wash himself. When he came back Albus was staring at his bare chest.

"You've got very nice abs! Have I mentioned it?" Albus mumbled.

"How are you feeling? Scorpius asked and took a seat beside him. "How many butterbeers did you have?" Albus began counting with his fingers but then gave up.

"Too much probably?" he giggled. 

"You need to get some sleep."

"Now, don't act like my overprotective parent, and be my boyfriend," Albus mumbled and gently began scratching Scorpius's hair and ended up ruffling it.

"I'm being serious. You need to sleep."

Albus was looking at him. He was so handsome, especially with no shirt on, and the fact that they were alone, they could do anything right now. By the look on Scorpius's he could tell he had the same thought without admitting it.

"You know, you were a lot sexier when you were covered in blood. No offense though, because you're very hot without it as well."

"Well thank you I guess," Scorpius laughed.

"Hey... remember *hick* in the summer? When you said you wanted to bang me?" Albus mumbled.


"I think I'm ready to take that step now. I said I wanted to wait for the perfect moment. Now is the perfect moment." Scorpius thought about it.

"You sure you want to do it now?" Albus nodded. "Well... okay then."

Albus immediately leaned in for a kiss and refused to break apart. This was it. It was happening. He grabbed Scorpius by his arms and laid him down as he climbed on top of him.

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