jacks land

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jack starts to come into vision
i smile at him and he grabs me, kissing my lips passionately
"miss me?"
he chuckles
"i always miss you, finnie."
i kiss his forehead and take his hand, pulling him toward the cafe starting to form.
i order a hot chocolate
jack orders a macchiato with cream and caramel drizzled on top
"i thought you don't like caramel?"
i question
"i need to expand my tastebuds he says, as our drinks appear.
he takes a sip and makes a face. he hates it.
i laugh
"what're you laughing at, wolfhard?"
jack puts on the meanest face he can muster
"I'm laughing at the most beautiful boy in both worlds"
i sip my drink
he blushes
he looks at the blank space around us
"come on finn, let's go nowww"
he pleads
i roll my eyes, smiling at him
he pouts and grabs my hand
i grab my drink and walk with him
this time, I make ruins of an ancient city
he gasps
i kiss his cheek
"anything for you, jacky poo"
he trots ahead of me, exploring every inch
he seems to forget i'm there, but i don't mind.
i love the way he gets excited
he turns around and skips back over to me, walking at my pace
"finnie, how was your day?"
"better. i met a new friend today."
he smiles wide
"really?! what's his name? is he nice?"
he bombards me with questions
"jack, cool it with the questions"
i giggle at the overexcited boy
"oh, sorry"
he looks down, embarrassed
i lift up his chin and look into his eyes, kissing him softly
"she's a girl. her names sophia, and she's awesome. she transferred from another school because she was bullied. she sits next to me in all the classes we have together, and she doesn't get bullied at all. no one messed with me when i was around her"
"finn, she sounds amazing. i'm so happy for you!"
he sits on a part of the ruins and beckons me over
"now tell me all about her"


it's time for me to leave
we walk to a clearing, the ruins and the cafe disappearing behind us
"i love you. i'll miss you, finnie"
"i'll miss you too, jacky poo"
he chuckles
"tell sophia i said hi"
"jack, that would confuse her"
he frowns
i sigh
"she has a best friend named jack"
he's clearly disappointed
"but i'll tell her the most beautiful boy in the world says hello"
he smiles and gives me a peck on the cheek
"i love you, finn wolfhard"
"i love you too, jack dylan grazer"
he waves as i fade away, tears rolling down my face

i wake up to hear my alarm buzzing
our goodbye was different this time..

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