leave the city

453 19 1

are you quaking at this reference

Jacks POV

"jack.... just trust me"
"no way finn, this isn't a good idea. i mean, we have each other now"
"we'll still have each other"
"but... sophia! and jaeden and wyatt, you would leave them?"
"jack, this is the only way. you have to make sacrifices in order to have a happy ending, and if we stay here our happy ending will spoil. i love you jack and now it's your turn to decide who you're loyal too."
i chewed my fingernails, staring into the brown eyes that look more dull than beautiful now.
in that moment i realized what had happened. finn wasn't the same person he was.
but did i care?
all i knew was i loved this boy standing in front of me.
no matter how he's changed, and how demented it makes me

ill give up my world for him.

"ill do it."

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