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Finn's POV

why are you here?
i thought you were gone. you need to leave me alone

i don't love you anymore. go away.


i woke up, crying without any explanation. i couldnt remember my dream, so i just went to the bathroom to wash my face. i felt like taking a shower, but i declined since i didn't have anything planned for today.


and there's my phone. funny how these things work out. i bet it's someone asking me to hang out today.
i opened my phone and saw:

@bdaddyoduncanb liked your post.

i went back into my room and collapsed on my bed, scrolling through the trending category on Netflix. i settled on a show called "everything sucks" and laid down.

Jacks POV

"i just can't decide. i wanna look perfect for him, but all these suits are ugly! honestly, what's a boy gotta do to get a good suit for his boyfriend. fucking school postponing the snowball after the snow!! i bet all the suits- jack? jack are you listening?"
i realized i was staring and i snapped back to wyatt, loudly complaining about the suits at mens warehouse. people started to stare.
"wyatt, not so loud!"
he turned to look at me
"excuse me sir, i am having a crisis and i would appreciate you helping me"
i sigh, and nod my head as he goes through more suits. i just can't get finn out of my head, and i can't seem to figure out if it's a good kind or a bad kind. i haven't even talked to him since... the thing. you know what, i am going to text him.

jack: hey Finn, what's up?

Finns POV:
i was watching the show when my phone went off again.

jack has texted you

well shit. im not in any condition to text him but i don't think i can ignore him either, can i?
you know what? i don't need to text him.
i put my phone down and continued watching.

Jacks POV:
he... he read it.
i don't know what to think
i guess he doesn't care.
i slipped my phone back into my pocket and helped wyatt with his suit.

and that's a wrap! it's been forever, but I'm way better now and back to writing!! sorry it took so long.

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