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Finn's POV

what do your lips taste like,
when your scent is full of roses
would it be flowery too
or something that opposes
is your mind pastel and magic
just like mine when i think of you
or is the darkness taking over
with things you don't want to get through
eternal sleep i understand
the urge to want to sink
but please, oh please just stay with me
and back off from the brink
are you thinking of me now
or just a mind of empty
cause when my mind falls to the dark
your love is the only remedy
yeah, the only remedy

i get up from my desk. songs really come together with the right inspiration
but do i really want to think about him now?
i haven't been to the hospital in a few days. yeah, call me insensitive and selfish
i just don't feel like anything. like im empty inside. i haven't slept, ate or left my damn room for the past three days and it feels great.
but i keep worrying about jack.
i wish i could care.
but a side of me doesn't want to
i can't help but get the feeling that
that side of me is someone who i thought was gone
but is here and ready to catch me back

Jack's POV

finally released back into prison. sophia took me home and the others surprised me with cupcakes.
i don't know why they were so happy though. i was miserable
most of them took me aside and told me how worried they were and how much they love me.
it felt nice, but i was only thinking about one person saying those words to me.
that's why im walking to his house.
i need to see him and slap him then cry with him while he holds me tight and apologizes. that's all i can hope for.
i can't let his parents see me so i climb up to his window. i smile at the band posters i can see pasted on the wall.
and i smile once i see him.
he's got his eyes closed and even still i can see the heavy bags under his eyes.  he's humming a tune ive never heard before while a sad smile is brushed on his face, like a drizzle on a formerly sunny day. i want to run up and pepper kisses on his face and tell him it's going to be okay but i gotta resist that urge.
i slowly open his door careful not to startle him. i creep into his room and look around. i spot the notebook on his desk, the pages slightly wrinkled in damp patches, what i can only assume is tear stains. i inch closer to the book, ready to scan the passages when i hear finn
i turn around, trying my hardest to plaster an angry look on my face.
"what..what are you doing here?"
his face is so tired, he's clearly on the verge of falling asleep. i feel sympathy enter my face and i quickly blurt
"you're so stupid."
i walk up to him and slap him, not very hard but enough to wake him from his zombish state.
then he breaks down weeping.
"j-jack im so s-sorry i deserved that i d-deserve for you to never *sniff* think of me again but please a-accept my apology."
seeing the tears stream down and remorse genuine on his face i can't help myself. i run over and grab him, comforting him and running my fingers through his hair, his tears scattered on my shirt.
and that's where we sat, wallowing in sorrow until we fell asleep

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