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~Finn's POV~
it was so much fun. after school let out wyatt, jaeden, chosen, millie and sadie joined us. caleb and gaten has a date, and noah's mom would'nt let him come. we pretty much just watched tv all day. luckily, my parents never came home.
"hey guys, i'll be in the other room if you need me"
they all nod, focused on the movie.
i walk into the other room and pull out my phone to call my mom
it rings twice
"hey honey! what's happening?"
"hi mom. nothing. i was wondering what time you'll be home?"
"pretty late tonight, probably 2 or 3. will you be okay?"
"yeah mom, that's fine. can my friends sleepover?"
"FRIENDS?!?! oh honey of course! i'm so glad you finally made some friends. order a pizza, i'll pay you back when i get home."
"thanks mom"
"no problem honey! sleep well!"
my mom's pretty cool, but she's always working. i kinda miss her, but i've adjusted to her absences.
i walk back into the room, everyone laughing at something that happened in the movie
"hey guys, do you want to sleepover? my mom says it's ok"
jack nods "yeah, i'll stay."
sophia and jeremy's attention snaps away from the tv
"WE'RE STAYING" sophia shouts
"wyatt and i will stay. we were gonna sleepover together anyway." jaeden looks to wyatt for approval, he nods.
"i can't, i have hella homework" sadie says, while getting up to leave "it's getting late, so i better go"
we all hug sadie goodbye as she leaves, promising to text us once she's done with her homework
"i can stay! yay! it's gonna be so much fun!" millie screams
"let's play some games!" jeremy shares a glance with sophia, smirking
"why not 7 minutes in heaven?" sophia suggests. i go to protest but everyone else agrees.
"get in a circle and place one of your things in the center" sophia instructs
they all search through their bags while i go upstairs and grabbed my stuffed swan. i bring it back down and place it in the middle. everyone else has their item in
"i'll go first, to demonstrate." sophia closes her eyes and selects a purple bracelet. she looks around as chosen, madly blushing, gets up and walks over to the closet. he looks pretty nervous but goes in anyway. sophia follows him over and pulls out her phone, setting a timer for 7 minutes.
"when this is up, open the doors and then it's over"
she tosses it on the floor and walks in behind him, shutting the door behind them.
we all crawl over to the door and press our ears to the door, trying to listen
we hear mumbling but can't make out what they're saying. then it goes quiet.
~a few moments later~
the timer rang and we opened the door to see chosen and sophia standing there. sophia walks out like nothing happened but chosen stands there, red as a tomato, staring into space
"chosen? chosen!" jack pulls him out of the closet and chosen just stands there, shocked.
"and that's how you play. finn, youre next." sophia stares at me, waiting for me to go. i close my eyes and pull out a rainbow bandana front the center. i didn't see anyone wearing it earlier so i assumed it was millie's. but who stood up after that and claimed the bandana was not millie.
it was jack.

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