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Finns POV:

i was just sitting on the couch watching my little pony when i heard a knock on my door. i figured it was my mom so i went to open it.
it wasn't my mom.
it was sophia.
she still hadn't forgiven me from that day, and she was the only one who hadn't. she was still wearing the grey sweatshirt i got her though, which was a good sign.
"move aside wolfdick" she said as she stormed in and sat on my couch. in awe, i slowly closed the front door and walked over and sat in the recliner diagonal to the couch. she was just staring at the tv, but i could tell she wasn't watching it. just.... thinking.
"sophia... i-"
her head whipped around and her piercing stare burned into my soul.
"zip it wolfdick, i came here to talk and now you're going to listen. i told you why i changed schools. the first day at your school no one bullied me, it was great and i even met a potential friend, but on the second day i met the biggest bully of my life. he seemed nice but then once he had planted himself in the friend group he turned on all of us, breaking me and my friends heart. then, he apologizes and everyone thinks it's okay but i don't fall for it. then i get a happy text from my best friend saying the bully likes him back and im ready to forgive him, UNTIL my best friend comes to my door crying about how the bully left him on read. so now, finn, im here to beat your ass"
she was breathing furiously, and was standing by now. she wasn't crying, but her eyes were filled with rage. i couldn't believe i had never realized how much of a bully i had been, and how dumb i must have been to think gifts and roses would solve anything. i felt tears start to go down my cheeks, and i saw her face soften a bit. rage replaced it quickly though, but instead of pounding my face in she grabbed my phone off the side table and dropped it on the ground, stomping it with the heel of her shoe. i looked horrified but was soon replaced with guilt.
i caused this.
i deserve this.
she turned her face so i couldn't see it and ran out the door. i walked over and grabbed my phone off the ground, letting the broken glass pierce my skin. i threw it in the trash and went upstairs to cry into my pillow, letting tears and blood leak onto my sheets.

why am i like this?

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