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Finns POV

everyone had left and i was alone in the dark on the swing set yet again. i stared at the ground but my eyes trailed over to the trampled flowers on the ground jack had left. i tried not to cry again but it was overwhelming not to. i ruined my chances with the one i care about most. i walked over to the flowers and knelt down next to them. roses...
jack loves roses. sophia told me a little while ago. i walked to the table nearby and laid on it, looking up at the stars.
why hadn't i ran after him?
if he didn't forgive me why did he come in the first place? to hurt my feelings like i did to him?
no. jack isn't that kind of person.
i was lost in my thoughts when i heard footsteps coming towards the park. i dived off the table and hid behind a tree. peeking out i saw jack step into the clearing and look around. he walked over to the flowers and picked them up, staring at them. i wanted to run over to him but i didn't. he started to walk off again and i couldn't stop myself. i ran over to him and grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. he had a shocked look on his face and was visibly crying. he hid the flowers behind his back and wriggled out of my grasp.
"what do you want?"
he sounded hurt
"jack.. im sorry. please please forgive me, i really do need you. i was foolish not to realize that before."
he maintained eye contact with me and didn't make a sound. he suddenly looked down and said
"i- i forgive you finn"
i couldn't hold in my excitement, i burst into a smile and grabbed jack and swung him around. he looked at me and smiled lightly
"finnie put me down please!"
i put him down and all of a sudden crashed my lips into his. it lasted a couple seconds then jack pulled away.
"im sorry jack, i didn't mean t-"
all of a sudden he covered my mouth with his hand and took it off a few seconds later
"finn, do you like me? like.. in the boyfriend way?"
"yes. im sorry i don't want this to end our friendship and-"
he hugged me and it cut me off
"i like you too finn"

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