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Finn's POV

i tried to make a list in my head of who i thought would forgive me first. it sounds bad, and deep down i know they should never forgive me. but hell, that doesn't stop me from trying. i decided i should try to text some of them. i created a group between everyone in hopes to save my friendships.
finn🙃 has added jack, sophia💅, wyatt👅 and 7 others to the chat

finn🙃: im so sorry guys, and ill prove it. meet me at the park at 8 tonight please. ill explain everything.
seen by 10
jack: this better be good wolfdick
sophia💅: agreed.
finn🙃: 😁

~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~

6 turned to 7, 7 turned to 7:30, and finally 8 came. i had been at the park for a while, on the swing set. i pondered who would show up first, and who wouldn't show up at all. i saw a figure appear in the darkness, a shadow of someone tall. i got up excitedly and watched the figure step from the shadows, looking on edge. i dropped my bags and ran to embrace him in a hug
"wyatt! you came, thank you."
he gently freed himself from the hug, a smile flickering over his lips. he walked over and sat on the swing in total silence. i sat on the swing next to him. i went to say something but sophias comment on him being mute paused me. i looked over and started to weep. he looked over, shocked and walked over to me. he took my hand and looked at me in the eyes and said
"i know you made a mistake, i know you see it. i forgive you."
i smiled and pulled him into a tight hug, him gasping for breath. i pulled away as over his shoulder i saw sophia standing beside millie, sophia grasping the note in her hand, staring at us. i ran over to them and tried to hug them but sophia moved away. millie looked down at her shoes and tapped her foot. i walked back over to the swing and grabbed my bag. i put it on a nearby picnic table
they walked over to the table and sat down as i took a seat myself
"im not going to hand them out until everyone gets here, if you don't mind"
millie shrugged and sophia and wyatt stayed silent. they were looking behind me at four people, gaten, caleb, jeremy and sadie. they walked over to us and took a seat, not saying a word. lighthearted jeremy who usually wore a smile had a frown and sadie was shifting her eyes everywhere but me. gaten decided to speak up
"jaeden and noah were with us but they stopped to get some food"
everyone didn't say anything so i asked
"and jack...?"
everyone shrugged their shoulders or shook their head. i sighed and thought of how foolish i was to have thought he was going to come. i was so wrapped up in my thoughts i didn't notice jaeden and noah sneak up on us from behind. they sat down and i snapped back to reality, opening my bag and handing everyone their gifts. they smiled and opened the card, sadie and millie tucked the rose in their hair and jeremy shoved his in his coat pocket. gaten and caleb got to their gifts first and put them on, caleb looking proud and gaten looking mad
"im not the queen, you are!" he said
caleb giggled. "no way, you are!"
they continued to argue and everyone laughed, including me. everyone else looked pleased with their gifts, thanking me. i said you're welcome and that i was sorry again. mostly everyone forgave me, except sophia... she thanked me, put her sweatshirt on and ran home. i tried to call after her but she was gone. everyone went to the playground and fooled around except wyatt and sadie who had to go home. they hugged me and said they forgave me. i sat on the swings after they left and watched everyone else have fun. i saw a small figure in the shadows, so i pulled out my knife. i had no idea who it was until he stepped out. it was jack. he had dark circles under his eyes and baggy clothes, his face had a couple bruises and his sleeve was bloody. i ran over to him and saw his figure in the moonlight. he was so painful to see, so many scars on his body. i hugged him but he was too weak to pull away so he said "stop"
i let go and ran over to my bag and got the bouquet of roses and handed them to him. he looked down at it and his sad expression turned to an angry one. he dropped the flowers on the ground and said
"oh, you think it's so clever to give me roses, huh? cause you think you're so pretty but you have thorns to just stab people and get away with it cause you're soooo handsome? well guess what, finn fucking wolfhard, i won't let you stab me again. this is a pathetic attempt to lure me into your trap again and no. i am not forgiving you. not now, not ever! so go back with all your dumbass friends who have forgiven you and leave me alone!!" he stomped on the flowers and walked off. tears started to form in my eyes and i just collapsed onto the ground and cried

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