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the song above is optional, but it's good for the story. there will be a note when to play it in this chapter :)
Dedicated to @kyarahartwell bc they told me to update

finn's POV

i should visit jack. sophia and jeremy said he was awake, and since then everyone has gone to visit him except me and chosen, but he has his own reasons. i haven't gone to school since the sleepover, i just can't stop thinking about jack. i think his breakdown had to do with our kiss, but i don't want to assume.
he probably thought it was terrible, that's why he was crying.
he did it so perfectly, i didn't even know what to do
that was my first kiss, ever
i probably should visit jack. i've been so selfish, not visiting him. god, i don't deserve him as a friend, or any of them for that matter.
i get up off the couch i haven't left in three days. moms gone on buisness so I need to ride my bike there, at least it's not that far
i put my earbuds in, turning on my favorite song, "friend, please" by tøp.
(start song now)
i wonder how he's doing. it doesn't make much sense to me that he's not out yet, after all, he just had a concussion. i guess it's up to the doctors to determine what happens. maybe he's unconscious still. it'd make sense cause he hasn't been texting the groupchat. i have no clue if he's alright, and i blame my selfishness.

i pull up to the hospital, putting my bike in the bike rack. jack's on the 2nd floor, room 7b. as the elevator pulls up to the floor, i just walk right down to his room. the lady at the counter clears her throat and i turn around to see her looking at me.
"who are you visiting?"
"jack grazer, he's in room 7b"
she finds jack in her book and pulls back the sign in sheet to her desk
"he's not taking visitors"
no way.
"excuse me ma'am, but my friends came and visited him the other day, that must be wrong"
she rolls her eyes and enters a number into her phone, it rings twice and she puts it on speaker for me to hear
"doctor skarsgard, is jack grazer taking visitors?"
a muffled, raspy voice comes from the other side
"only from family. i have a patient at the moment so next time you need me, check my schedule, okay mrs.ripson?"
"yes sir"
she hangs up and looks back at me, waiting for me to leave
"you heard him, only family. beat it"
he must still be healing. everyone else must've lied, so that's what i do
"i am family ma'am"
she looks at me with disbelief and picks up the sign in sheet
"finn wo- finn grazer. his brother"
her facial expression doesn't change, but she slides the sheet onto the counter. i sign "finn grazer" on it and head down to his room.
when i arrive, jack has tubes going in and out of him. he has no blankets on and his hospital gown is caked with blood. his wrists are bandaged and he has a black eye. he looks much worse than he should be.
"can i help you?"
i turn to see a doctor looking at me, holding a bedpan.
"uh, yes i'm finn grazer, his brother. is he still unconscious from the fall?"
he walks over to jack, switching his bedpan while he speaks to me, refusing to meet my glare
"he woke up from the fall, but i'm afraid now he's in a coma."
"a coma?! what happened?"
"he appeared to have attempted suicide."
"but as we brought in officials they determined it was an attempted murder"


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