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Jacks POV
beep.... beep.... beep....

my vision was blurry
i could barely see anything, just white
i wanted to sleep, i felt.. tired. really tired
"jack? you up buddy?"
is that.. finn?
"nah, it's Jeremy. miss your boyfriend?"
"he's not my boyfriend."
"LIES! fack is real"
"sophia? is the whole gang here?"
"no.. just us. you feeling ok? you've been out for a couple days"
"DAYS?! what happened to me??"
"finn found you in the bathroom, you were unconscious and your head was cracked open. scary stuff."
then it all came back to me

i grab a tissue and wipe my face, trying to grab hold of the sink but my tears still ran down my hands, causing me to fall back. i felt my head hit something. hard.
my vision turns blurry and i can't make out anything except someone calling my name
"jack! oh my god jack! are you okay? wake up! oh my god jack.. help! help guys! jacks-"
then my world went black

"guys, where's finn?"
they share a look
"we don't know, he hasn't showed up at school ever since you got here"
then a nurse walks into the room with a tray of food
"visiting hours is over, it's dinner time"
sophia gets up to leave but jeremy stays put
"we are not leaving! it's only five o clock!"
the nurse placed the tray on my lap and pushes jeremy out, following him out then shutting the door.
i dig in, jello isn't my favorite but it's the best thing on this plate. i move on to my mashed potato's when i hear the window to my left slide open.
"shit, this window is so heavy. well, at least i'm skinny enough to fit, hehe."
no it can't be
"hello jackie, i missed you boo"
"t- t-"
"spit it out hun"

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