games pt 2

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~Jacks POV~
i hate this game.
every sleepover sophia makes us play it, thinking that it would bring jyatt together.
shes doing the same thing now. she wants me and finn to fuck or something. and of course, finn had to pick my bandana.
i don't have a problem with finn at all. i actually really like him. that's why im nervous.
hes acted weird around me all night though, maybe he likes me too.

"jack. jack!"
i feel someone shake me.
"huh? what?"
i look over to see finn, already in the closet staring at the ground, chewing his fingernails.
"you were staring off into space! now stop stalling and get in there with finn!" sophia shoved me in and shuts the doors.
"are you ok? did she push you very hard?"
he walks over to me and sits beside me
"im ok, sophia pushes me all the time."
his worried look didn't wipe off his face
"are you sure? i have ice packs if you-"
"finn, im fine, really. you're so overprotective, it's adorable"
he blushed and turned away
"sorry. what are we supposed to do in the closet anyway?"
i laughed, thinking he was joking but he was serious
"you've never played?"
i stand up and offer my hand to finn to help him stand.
"basically you go in the closet and do a little something like this.."
as he stood up i grabbed his waist and pulled him close to me. he was a lot taller than me. i looked up to see him blushing madly, eyes wide. i stood on my toes and pressed my lips against his. the kiss only lasted a couple seconds, but it felt like forever. i didn't want it to end but i lost my balance and fell back. finn looked at me like i was from another planet. he didn't look.. happy.

he doesn't like me back

"im sorry finn i, i-"
"jack, i-"
i busted out of the closet, sending everyone flying. eavesdropping i suspect.
"jack, the timer didn't ring, you still have-"
"i have to use the bathroom. millie, it's your turn."
i walked into the hallway, searching for the bathroom, tears welling in my eyes. god, this house was big
"it's the third door to your left"
i turned around to see finn. i turn back around fast so he doesn't see me crying. i walk to the bathroom and lock the door. i collapse on the floor, crying a river.
why are you crying so hard? you have only known him for like, a week. get over him!
that's right. i need to get over him.

knock knock
"jack, it's me. let me in"
it's finn. i hold my breath in hopes he'll think i left. i hear some rustling, then the doorknob shakes.
he's unlocking the door. he's coming in!
i grab a tissue and wipe my face, trying to grab hold of the sink but my tears still ran down my hands, causing me to fall back. i felt my head hit something. hard.
my vision turns blurry and i can't make out anything except someone calling my name
"jack! oh my god jack! are you okay? wake up! oh my god jack.. help! help guys! jacks-"
then my world went black

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