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Finn's POV

it's been three days since the incident with my frie-ex friends, and i still haven't decided. ive visited dream jack in my dreams to try to help me decide but it's no use. but one thing that is still in my head is the kiss jack and i shared at the sleepover. i actually think i really like jack. maybe as more than a friend, but it's probably just because of my dreams.
i unblocked everyone but none of them have messaged me. i sure hope they're okay. i decided to text jack today and noticed he changed his name from jackie chan💍 to just jack.

finn🙃: hey jack
jack: what do you want asshole

that's when it hit me. all at once, i had lost my best friends.

finn🙃: im sorry
jack: yeah right you mother fucking dickhead. i assume next you're going to bring out the "i need you" card, huh? well no. i don't care about you. go away finn.
finn🙃: i know what i did was wrong and im a dickhead but please, give me a chance
jack: you had your chance finn

~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~

it was monday and i decided i needed to go to school. i hadn't been in ages but i didn't want to sit around hating myself for what i did. i took some random clothes from my dresser and changed into them. i didn't bother brushing my hair or teeth and i just went to school. my first period i had to sit next to sophia so hopefully we can talk. i really want to apologize. i Parker my bike in the bike rack outside of school and walked in, trying to avoid as many people as i could. i kept my head down all the way to first period until i took my seat. sophia was there and she looked over at me, an angry look plastered on her face. her expression changed to pity for a moment as she saw my state but then back to angry. she flipped me off from under her table and i put my head down on my desk. why did i even try? i started to cry softly but wiped my tears away and pulled out my notebook to write a note to sophia. i knew she would just throw it in the trash as soon as she read it but i needed her to know i was, so i wrote her a huge paragraph.

dear sophia,
i know, im a dickhead. i deserve all this hate from you and everyone else, i can't deny it. i just wanted to say im sorry. i truly am sorry but if you don't believe me that's okay. just if you can, please give me one more chance. i know im a screw up but i have no one else. i wish i could explain this all.

i folded the note four times and reached over to tap sophia's shoulder. she snapped her attention toward me and hissed
"what the hell do you want?!"
i cowered and handed her the note. she looked at it like it was AIDS but took it and hesitantly opened it. i watched as she read over it in silence, a stern expression on her face. she finished and slipped the note into her pocket then concentrated on the board and didn't look back at me. i raised my hand
"yes mr.wolfhard?" the teacher asked
"may i use the restroom?"
"yes. hurry up."
i left my stuff in the middle of class, i didn't need it anyway. i bolted out the door and out of school. i hopped onto my bike and patted my back pocket to make sure i had my wallet. after i was sure, i sped off towards the mall. i tried sophia and jack, but i haven't tried anyone else. i made a list in my mind:
chosen was still on vacation so he only knew about the drama from what everyone else had told him. i don't know how much that is though. i parked my bike beside a restaurant beside the mall and use my bike lock to secure it to a post. i walked towards the mall on foot and counted the money in my wallet. $62.54. hopefully this will be enough. i eventually decided to get something for jack and sophia too, since they're my closest in the group. i checked the directory and decided to head to bath and body works first since i knew millie, jack, and sadie would like that. on my way there i passed pink and decided to get sophia something. i looked inside and saw a grey sweatshirt i thought would look good on her. i paid for it and headed to bath and body works. thankfully they were having a sale on some things. i picked out some lavender perfume for jack, lotion for sadie and vanilla bubble bath for millie. i had about $30 dollars left and i decided to stop by hot topic. on my way there was a mall vendor with shirts with cheesy slogans. one said "king" and had an arrow and the other said "queen" with an arrow. i smiled thinking about gaten and caleb fighting who's the king and who's the queen. they were cheap so i got them. i only needed noah, jaeden, wyatt and jeremy. i stopped by starbucks and picked up a gift card for jeremy, since i know he loves it. i only had $13.80 left so when i got to hot topic i just picked out pocky for noah and studio ghibli for jaeden and wyatt, since i know they love their movies. i had $2 left so i bought a rose bouquet and headed for the exit. i was relieved to see my bike was still there. i unlocked the bike lock and put my stuff in the basket. i pedaled home as fast as i could without letting my bags fall out my basket. i reached home and ran inside, grabbing construction paper and markers. i don't believe in crayons. i fold different color pieces of construction paper in half and write "im sorry" on the front of each one. i make one for everyone and take a rose from the bouquet and tape it to the front of each. i write the same paragraph i did to sophia on each of them and taped them to each present. satisfied with my work, i laid down on the couch and went to sleep, anticipating everyone's reaction to my apology.

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