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hey, it's ya author here. this chapter is going to be kind of a filler chapter, just to tell you the history of dream jack and finn and to help understand it better. i know it's confusing so i hope this helps! enjoy, and happy new year!!

i was in 7th grade at my school, Kingston Prep. it was the first day and there was a list of new kids on a big list in the front of the school. it was always my favorite thing to look over it at the beginning of the year. as i skimmed over the chart one name stuck out to me. it was beautiful, and i just really liked it. i pulled out a slip of paper and wrote the name down for later. all through the day i kept looking down at the name and it just had an effect on me nothing ever had. i got a surge of confidence when i looked at it, i felt worthy of something. i took the piece of paper all the way home and taped it to my wall. i laid down on my bed and just stared at it for a while, until i fell asleep. but that night was the most unusual night of my life. i have had lucid dreams before and i assumed this was one. when i closed my eyes, a boy appeared in front of me. he was all i ever dreamed of, but i had never seen him in real life. one thing was all too farmiliar though. he opened his mouth and turned to me to say
"hi finn, im jack dylan grazer"
the name.
i knew then, that one name was somehow connected...
to my destiny.

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