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Jacks POV

after finn blocked me i cried. a lot.
sophia and wyatt came to visit me at the hospital. visiting hours were almost over but they stayed anyway. Sophia hugged me while i cried. i tried to ask her what was wrong with finn since sophia was the closest one to him but she didn't know. i opened my messages and handed her my phone
"look at this"
she saw the messages finn sent me and read them aloud to wyatt
"tell the others to never talk to me again"
i started crying again as she read
"that includes you"
wyatt didn't say anything, he was just staring out the window.
"did you go visit him? get me out of here, i need to go visit him"
sophia shook her head as i tried to unhook all the medical tubes attached to me. sophia helped me
"wyatt, go ask for a wheelchair. say the patient has to use the bathroom or some shit"
he walked out the door and sophia helped me out of the hospital bed.
"i wish we were on the first floor, we could just hop out the window"
wyatt runs in with a wheelchair and sophia placed me in it and takes the handles.
"hold on"
she races out the door and down the hall. she motions for wyatt to open the doors that lead to the elevators when the nurse yells
"stop! theif!"
wyatt holds the doors open and sophia gallops through and bangs on the down button on the elevator. wyatt holds the doors shut as tightly as he can while two nurses and a doctor try to get through. he's pretty strong now that i realize it.
the elevator opens and luckily there's no one in it. sophia runs in and wyatt stops holding the doors and runs over to us. he leaps into the elevator as sophia hits the "close door" button repeatedly until it shuts. luckily the nurses were too slow to catch up with us.
we reached the bottom level and ran out, knocking over an old lady on our way out
"you whippersnappers get back here!!"
she yelled but sophia pushed me out the door. wyatt turned around and yelled "sorry!" and ran after us. we ran out the door and down the parking lot to sophia and wyatts bikes.
"shit" sophia said "how are we going to get him to finn's?"
wyatt took off his shoes and unlaced his shoelaces and tied them to his bike and one end to the wheelchair.
"sophia let me have your shoelaces too. and you jack. this has to be strong."
we handed him our shoes and he did the same, tying one end to my wheelchair and the other to his bike. he hopped on his bike and put everyone's shoes in the basket attached to his handlebars. just in the nick of time we pedaled away, the doctor and nurses chasing after us. the nurses stopped but the doctor followed us a few blocks until he stopped to take his breath. we pedaled away faster so he couldn't track us down. we parked in finn's driveway a few minutes later and wyatt and sophia helped me up. wyatt took a hold of me and helped me to the door while sophia took wyatts bike and the wheelchair to the side of the house out of view then she stepped up to the front door with us. we knocked twice so it wouldn't sound like us. the only light in the house that was on in the house was finns. wyatt reaches for the doorknob and suprisiny, the door is unlocked. he opens the door and we step inside, the house looking like no ones lived in it for months.
"damn" wyatt said "it's so... bare"
"i know right" sophia said as we headed up to finns room. the door was shut and sophia reached for the handle then stopped.
"you should go jack. he responded to you, not us. if anyone can get him to say what's bothering him, it's you"
a tear rolled down my cheek as wyatt and sophia stepped back. i opened the door to see finn, fast asleep, muttering to himself. i walked over to him and motioned for wyatt and sophia to come in. they walked over to me and we knelt down to listen to finn.
"i told you jack, they're all gone. all of them. it's just me and you, like old times" he mumbled to himself
wyatt and sophia looked at me
"i don't know what he's talking about!" i pleaded
they nodded but didn't break their gaze
all of a sudden, finn jolted awake and we jumped back.
"what are you guys doing here??!"

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