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1 day earlier...
Jacks POV

she plays with her hair and smiles creepily
"in the flesh. you forgot to thank me for coming to visit you in your time of need. i feel so bad for you. not."
"sorry, i'm just having a hard time understanding why you're here, i mean, i thought you hated me"
she put on a fake sad face
"why would i ever hate you jackie? i've totally forgiven you for cheating on me"
she opened up her purse and took out a large butcher knife. i scrambled on my bed, trying to get up but my legs failing. she walked over and pinned me down, pressing the knife against my wrist lightly
"jackie, time to learn a lesson. cheaters don't get forgiven"
"i didn't cheat on you!"
she was fuming, piping hot steam.
"oh really? then why would you-"
i spat in her face and kicked her, she stumbled back a little but my kick was so weak she scrambled to retrieve her knife which had fallen onto the floor. i turned over and slammed my hand on my help button, praying they would come soon.
"shit jackie, you always ruin my plans"
she pinned down my wrist and sloppily sliced my wrist open, two cuts. she then jumped out the window, disappearing. and once again, the world of light was gone.
and the dark took its place.

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