Cabinet Meeting: Thomas vs Alexander

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Cabinet meeting. I inwardly groan as I take my seat next to the President. Thomas had been telling me about this meeting. Being a Senator, I had to come. Alexander had also been talking about it. Things were going to get really messy really fast.
"Good evening, Senator Hamilton," I hear Washington greet me. I smile and politely make small talk.
Before the meeting, I ask Washington a question.
"Sir, may I ask to intervene if Secretary Hamilton and Secretary Jefferson take things too far?" I ask him. He smiles kindly. "Of course, but may I ask, how will you know exactly if they take things too far?" I laugh, and explain. "Well, one of them is my brother, who I have known since I was born,  one is my significant other," I think for a moment, but I break out of it extremely quickly.
"That is a very fair point Senator."I hear a voice behind me and sigh. I stand up, and turn to greet my brother. "Hello, Treasury Of State," I greet him back, and he laughs. I hug him. "How has Jefferson been treating you?" He asks.
"Wonderfully," I reply, and he smiles.
"I'm glad. Y/N, I promise to not go overboard. I'll tolerate him," Alexander says, and I hug him tightly.
"Thank you, Alexander," I let him go.
After sitting back down, and finishing my conversation with the President, I turn to the floor.
The President introduces them, and Thomas starts.
"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, we fought for these ideals, we shouldn't settle for less..." I listen to the remainder of his argument, and start getting worried.
Alexander gets really heated, and I prepare myself to interrupt. "Turn around, bend over, I'll show you where my shoe fits!" I stand up, quickly stepping between the two. "Excuse me! That would be enough, out of both of you!" Thomas looks at me in awe, anger, and fear. Alexander turns beet red. They sit down, and the meeting continues.
[time skip brought to you by 4 sets of corsets]
We walk into the house, and Thomas knows I'm fuming. "Thomas! Why? Why did you have to be so irrational?!" I ask him, and he hesitates. He nearly shouts at me. "It wasn't me! You know what he's like!" "He's my BROTHER! Of course I know how he is, but you didn't have to fuel his anger!" I shout now, but knowing that I am equally as mad at Alexander.
He walks closer to me now, shouting too. "It WASN'T me!! He went into that building ready to FIGHT!" I feel tears fall down my cheeks. "I thought you two would get along! You guys can't constantly be at each others throats!" I say, somewhat desperately at this point. Thomas raises his hand, and I flinch. He's going to hit me. He's going to HIT me. Thomas Jefferson, the man I'm head over heels for, is going to hurt me.
  But the pain never comes. I look up and see Thomas, staring at me. The tears fall freely down his cheeks now too, and I let out a slight sob. He snaps out of it, and is at my side to catch me. I sob into him, while he hugs me, and comforts me.
  "I'm so sorry, I'm never going to hurt you again Y/n, I love you," I hear him say, and I start calming down. "I'm sorry," I say, tears still running down my face. "I shouldn't have yelled, I'm so sorry," I say, and I can tell he's still crying too.
  "It's my fault, I shouldn't have been so rude to your brother, I should Never have acted like I was going to hurt you. I love you Y/n," he tells me, and I fall asleep in his arms, knowing that I'm safe. That he loves me.

  Hello! It's I, Abby! So..... wow! That was a chapter. Leave suggestions on what I can do better, and vote for this story if you enjoyed it that much! 😝 you guys are amazing, and if it's not too much to ask, will you follow me too? Then you can get updates on this story! Yay!
  That's all for now!

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