Its Ok

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I wake up with a start. My hands fly to my stomach as I sit up with a start. I breath deeply as Thomas grabs my hand, looking at me worried.
"Thomas?" I ask, my voice hoarse.
He looks at me reassuringly. "It's ok Love, you're ok, the baby is ok," I nod and breath again.
"What happened?" I ask, and he stands up to sit on the cot, so that he is sitting there, cross legged.
He clears his throat, and I raise my eyebrow. "You passed out, and I caught you before you hit the floor. Alex dropped his glass, and Eliza ran to call a carriage. We got you here, and the doctor did a test. He said that the baby is heathy, and that you just did too much work. Oh, Alex said he" Thomas is cut off as Alexander bursts through the door, Eliza on his heels, along with Herc, Peggy, and Angelica. I jump and Thomas screech's and falls dramatically off the bed.
"Y/n! Are you Ok!" Peggy rushes over to me. I nod and laugh at her worried expression.
"I'm ok, I just overworked myself with the baby," I look at her. Her jaw is open. Oh yeah...
"You're PREGNANT?" Peggy squeals and jumps around excitedly. Herc congratulates us, as does Angelica. I stretch my arms out, and the Doctor enters the room.
He smiles warmly. "The gender of your baby is a girl!" He announces, which sends the room into an uproar. I'm free to leave now, and we get ready to leave. Everyone slowly trickles out of the room, with one last Congrats.
My hand is on the doorknob when it swings open to reveal my favorite Frenchman.
My eyes widen and I jump into Lafayette's open arms. "Laff! What are you doing here?" I ask him. He smiles. "Madame! I heard the news! You are having un enfant!" I nod my head and Thomas shakes his hand.
We talk for a while longer until he has to go to Alexander's house. I hug him one more time.We arrive at home soon after.
Thomas lifts me into bed and his arms wrap around my stomach. I smile to myself. He's going to be extremely protective of her.
I wake up and run to the bathroom before puking whatever is left in my stomach. Thomas runs in and pulls my Y/h/c away from my face. After I'm down I wipe my mouth and stand up.
"Pregnancy?" He asks nervously. I nod and smile. "I'll make breakfast Love!" Thomas calls from he other room.
"Thank youuu! " I reply and in response hear his bright laughter echo down the hallway. I get ready for the day and as I make my way down the stairs I hear an argument erupt from the kitchen. I raise my eyebrows and wait outside the door.
"James! I can't do that! My wife is PREGNANT!"
"Thomas you have to, if you want to be a DECENT President!" I hear a chair scraping on the tile and something slam onto the table.
"We can't release it! He's been through enough! His son died; my wife's nephew! If we release his bank account, his check stubs, his career with crash and burn! Yeah, he published the AFFAIR, but not that he was PAYING OFF her HUSBAND! I refuse James!"
I hear some murmuring and the back door slam shut. I wait a few seconds before deciding to go in. Thomas is sitting there, and I see him look up and me and smile. I smile back, and he hands me a plate with eggs and a piece of buttered toast on it. We eat in a comfy silence, and then he kisses me head as he heads to his office.
I also head up to my office, and get to work on my new bill. I wonder if Thomas is going to give into James. I hope not....
But for now I try not to Over bear myself, and fret about being a mother to a beautiful, intelligent, independent young lady.
My little girl.

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