4/A Day In L.A.

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"...Just another day livin' in the hood. Just another day around the way..."

Fat Joe | Another Day


Messiah 'Siah Anderson****

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed and room full of snacks and wrappers thrown across the floor and not too mention a sprawled out Juicy on the floor bundled in a cover.

I sat up and looked over on Phat's nightstand and saw that it was already 2:37 p.m. in the afternoon. I shook my head and ran my hand down my face as I sighed deeply. I threw the covers aside and stepped out of Phat's queen size bed and stepped over Juicy to make my way towards the living room.

The sun already was shining brightly through the large window in the living room that was covered by blinds and navy colored curtains trimmed with black.

I saw Noodles fanned out on the far end of the couch as Smooth was passed out on the floor layed in piles of covers. Phat nor Red was still to be found.

I walked into the kitchen and saw a bright neon pink colored sticky note that had other bright neon sticky notes surrounding it with black arrows pointing to the centered pink one. I removed the pink one from the fridge and it was written in pretty cursive like handwriting that I recognized as Phat's handwriting. It read:

Sorry 'Siah but, me and Red had to bounce to go to the mall to get ready for the pool and party later on today. I would have woken you but you looked peaceful so I let you be. Welp, be back around four of five.

Love, Michelle. PS: We took your car :) Thanks.

Damn, now I'm car-less for damn near two or three hours.

"Where my sister at?" Juicy asked sleepily as she rubbed her eyes.

"Mall with Red. Won't be back till four or five." I answered as I looked around.

Me and Juicy shared a brother-sister type of relationship. So, her standing here half naked didn't phase me one bit.

"Oh, aight. You hungry?" She asked as she begin taking out pots and pans to prepare for breakfast.

Might as well get a meal while waiting on them. "Sure."

I walked out of the kitchen and went in the living room to see Smooth and Noodles now awake and looking around.

"Where Red at?" Smooth asked with his eyebrows furrowed together.

"Where my phone at?" Noodles asked searching frantically for his device.

"Smooth, Red went with Phat to the mall. Noodles, bruh, I don't fucking know." I said as I made my way back into Phat's room where my phone was vibrating on the dresser.

"Yo'" I answered without looking at the caller-ID.

"Don't 'Yo' me." Phat's voice rang through the speaker.

"Why you take my car?" I asked taking a seat on her bed.

"It would have been faster than us taking the buses. Don't worry, we walking out the mall right now. Bye, Siah. Oh, I want my house cleaned by the time I get there. Bye!" She hung up.

I pulled the phone away from my ear to be sure that she had hung up in my face and yes, she has hung up in my face. Only her would I let this shit slide but, if it was someone else, nine times of ten, I would be calling back to cuss they ass out.

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