5/Completing Me Wholey

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"...I'll give you all of me, I'll give you everything if you promise you'll never leave me..."

Keyshia Cole | You Complete Me

Michelle Phat Phat Anderson*****

Damn, I should have waited till the next morning to take down my braids but, Red was so convinced that if I wore my natural curly hair then it would go better with my outfit.

Fuck that.

Now, after taking a shower and washing my hair, this shit is piled all over my head in an array of kinky spiral curls. My hair has grown since I first got my braids done. My natural black hair had grown out as my dyed honey colored hair now reached around my shoulders.

I sighed and picked up my wig brush and began trying to maintain the massive bush on top of my head. I was still wrapped up in my towel with water dripping from my small body as I stood in front of the mirror staring at myself.

I look at my outer appearance and never deny that I am a beautiful young lady. But, the inside is what I'm all about. My inside is broken and bruised from the pain that I have suffered in the past. The dreams and nightmares still haunt me when I was once that little fragile baby girl. When the night darkness consumes me I fear if the past will continue haunting me.

My brother was my protector. He was my night and shining armour but, they took him away from me. I adored that man with a passion. He and my father were the people I held closest to my heart and look at today, where do they stand?

Laid six feet underneath the dirt.

"What's the matter Michelle?" Messiah asked pulling me away from my horrid thoughts.

"What? Nothing, I'm fine." I lied and tried to smile but it only came out lopsided.

"Your tears? Why are they falling." He came and stood behind me while wiping my tears away as he stared at me through our reflection.

I hadn't even known that I had tears falling until I looked up and sure enough they were there. I let him wipe away the salty tears from my face. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled my body closer into his as we molded together. We came together as one, like we were puzzle pieces being put together. A wave of shocks flooded my body as he kissed the side of my cheek.

His touch was like fire and electricity. Every place he touched he left it scorching and tingling. Every interaction left a shock of electricity bolting throughout me as if I were exploding. It was pleasureful. I could always feel myself slipping away when I stared into his glorious grey depths.

I loved how his eyes would always shift according to his mood. When he was happy they would turn light grey, almost as if they were silver. If he was upset, you could visibly see them turn into a stormy grey. But, my favorite one of them of all was when he looked at me. His eyes would hold admiration, lust, and happiness. The beautiful and undesirable grey that would be shown was absolutely breathtaking.

"Never leave me," I said out of the blue. I was thinking it but, I didn't want to say it. I didn't want him to see me as weak or God forbid, clingy.

No, I wanted to be strong and shielded. I didn't want him to get closer than what he already was. He was already dangerously close to my chained hardened heart. He knew things about me that was supposed to be carried to my grave.

But, worst of all, he was getting in my father and brother places. He was making me want to love the life out of him. He was making me want to forever be his. He was making me.... fall in love with him.

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