17/Rising Action

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Michelle 'Phat Phat' Anderson****

           "Ugh!" I said as I got up for the umpteen time tonight.

           This was the perfect reminder as to why I will not be having any babies any time soon. I love my sleep a little too much for a piercing cry to sound out and bolt me awake from my beautiful slumber.

        "Aww, what's the matter King?" I cooed into the babies' ear as I laid him near my chest.

         I wanted to get him quiet as soon as possible before he awakes his brother who seems to be stirring at the exact moment. Continuing to whisper in his ear, I rub my hand through his thick black curls. Instead of going to lay back down as he whimpered, I opened my room door and trudged to the kitchen. I flipped the light switch on and began making the fussy baby a bottle.

           "Here," I gently put the bottle into his mouth and watched as his eyes got heavy as he sucked on the clear nipple.

           "Whos ah beby is tat?" I turned around and saw my mom standing in her night gown with her scarf tied tightly around her head.

           "Messiah's. He needed me to watch the twins for him while he took care of something." I explained as I held the bottle up for King and softly swayed side to side.

          "Tose were his ah bebies?" Mama was there during the meeting as well as several other people closest to Messiah and Smooth.

           "Yup." I nodded my head.

            She shook her head and walked past me into the kitchen as I walked back down the hall and into my room. Messiah Jr. was laid on his back with his arms over his head and mouth slightly ajar in my bed. I didn't have any cribs in my house for the sinple fact that there were no babies in this house so I decided to let the twins sleep with me in my bed. Also, I wanted to keep them near me just in case anything happened. I know I hardly knew the babies' but I would put my life on the line for theirs at any given moment. No innocent child deserved to die and I couldn't imagine how Messiah would be if he lost one of his sons.

             Carefully laying down in my bed, the empty bottle fell from King's mouth as he snuggled deep into my breast that were covered by a simple sports bra. I got comfortable and settled under the covers. Messiah Jr. had rolled his tiny body underneath my opened arm that was stretched out and snuggled into my side. A content sigh left my lips as my eyes slipped shut as I let sleep take over me once again.


             "Phat, Phat." Somebody shook my body as I slowly awoke from my sleep.

              I peeled my eyes open and saw Juicy standing over me with one of the twins' in her arms. A yawn escaped my lips as I stretched and sat up. Messiah Jr. laid beside me on his stomach with his big grey eyes looking up at me, as he talked senselessness. Smiling, I picked him up as his geberish talk continued and louder.

               "Wassup?" I asked turning my attention to Juicy who had a small smile playing on her lips.

               "Somebody's at the door for ya'." She said.

               I stood up with Messiah Jr. still in my arms, and outstretched the other for King. She willingly placed him in my arms as both brothers began to talk to each other seeming to ignore the whole outside world. Juicy placed a hand on her lower back and rubbed her baby bump and exited my room with me and the twins in tow.

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