24/ Straight Buisness

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"A woman that can hold it down and still take care of hers is a woman I strive to be. People ask who are my inspirations in life, I say 'my mom'. I watched first hand as she held down her man and her own. No one ever questioned her loyalty because they knew, she was down whether it was right or wrong."

-Destiny Elise a.k.a D.Elise


           Michelle Phat Phat Anderson***

   "Alright how long is he supposed to be in there?" I asked as soon as I sat down in the office chair.

   Messiah's lawyer, Jermaine Dowle, was seated across from me in his suit that was snug around his large pot belly. He had a briefcase in his wrinkly white hand and folders in the other. His striking blue eyes were covered by a pair of glasses that hung on the bridge of his sharp nose. His aroma held nothing less of straight business as he cleared his throat and sat up straight. He placed the brown briefcase on the chair beside him and layed two manilla folders on the smooth black desk located in Messiah's office.

   "They're trying to pin murder and arson on him but they have no evidence for the murder part. As for arson, they have evidence and are trying to do five years." He stated as he scanned over the papers held in his hands.

   "What about the drugs? He told me a member of the DEA came to visit him." I sighed as I heard a small cry sound down the hall.

   Ms. Lelah, my mom, Red, and Smooth had all offered to stay with me and Juicy while Messiah was still locked up. When we had spoken over the phone a few days ago, he told me to just stay put for a few days before I started on business. Much to my dismay, I agreed and just took time out to tend to Josiah and after a few days, I called up a meeting with Jermaine Dowle to see when the hell Messiah ass can come up.

   I had to pull on my big girl panties and suck all my emotions up to deal with all of this. I was a new mother, my whatever-the-hell-Messiah-is-to-me was in jail, and I had seen so many people killed on sight. It was all alot to handle but if I wanted to have Messiah home with me and the boys then I had to do whatever the hell it took to get it done.

   "Don't worry about that. Mr. Rodrigo Jackson has tooken care of all that. They won't be pinning him with drug trafficking anytime soon." He said referring to Messiah's grandfather who stayed out in the Bahamas.

   I nodded my head,"Okay, if they find some evidence and link Messiah to the murder, how many years will he get?"

  "Fifteen at the most." I blew out a breath of air and closed my eyes. "But, Messiah has officers on his payroll that are making sure that doesn't happen. As much as I want Messiah home ASAP, I have to make him serve some time. If he serves some time, that should knock him off the chart for a while." He looked at me.

   "How many years?"

   "At least, two or three." Damn, the twins will be three or four and Josiah will be two or three.

   "Why not one?"

   "Not enough time."

  "Alright. When does all of this go down?"

  "Next Wednesday at nine in the morning. We go to the trial and he receives his sentence. If he has good behavior he can come home sooner, bad behavior and they will only extend his time." I nodded my head and stood up straightening out my black skirt.

   Jermaine Dowle stood up and fixed his tie as we shook hands. "Thank you for your time. I'll walk you out." We exited the room and walked down the long hallway before appearing in the forye. My Louis Vuitton pumps echoed on the marble floor as I walked towards the door. I opened the glass door and gestured him out as he nodded his head and I shut the door.

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