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Jisoo groans when Lisa comes into her room and starts to jump on the bed, bringing her out of sleep.

"Unnie! Unnie! wake up!!!" Lisa shouts.

"Ohh god. I'm awake!" Jisoo laughs covering the blanket over her head.

"It's time for school!" Lisa laughs flopping down next to her.

"Yes, I'm aware."

Lisa rips the blanket off of her and runs out of the room.

"Yah! Lalisa!" Jisoo shouts.

All she hears is the sound of Lisa's evil giggle down the hall. She sighed and got out of bed. It was the first day of a brand new school year.

She wondered what it would bring...


Jisoo came from an extremely rich family. Her parents owned a well known entertainment company in Seoul. She didn't get to see them much but was extremely happy when she did. She had an older brother named Seokjin and Lisa lived with her since her family was in Thailand.

She's known Lisa since they she was 12. And she was kind of like an annoying little sister, but she still loved the girl.

Everyone loved Lisa, she was beautiful, she could dance, rap, and was overall a nice person. Jisoo was known as the good girl type. She never got in trouble, and people loved her because of her natural beauty and talents in singing and dancing.

Together the two were admired by everyone, which they didn't mind. They still stayed true to themselves and didn't let anyone get in the way of their friendship.

Both of them walked to class and sat next to each other.

"Alright class, New year, new you or whatever. We're gonna go over the syllabus which is mostly the same thing we do every year so you can either listen, or don't. I don't care." The teacher sighs. "Also this is a new student. Park Chaeyoung. Be nice."

"Wowww..." Lisa says in awe looking at her.

"Close your mouth or she's not gonna want to sit over here." Jisoo scolds.

Lisa quickly closes her mouth and straightens her posture as Chaeyoung walks down the rows of desks.

"Um is it okay if I sit with you guys?" She says in English, blushing lightly.

Lisa smiles and nods, "Of course. Welcome to YG. I'm Lalisa or Lisa and this is Jisoo. Do you only speak English?"

"No, but my Korean is a little rusty. I moved here from Australia." She says.

"That's cool, your accent is really cute." Lisa smiles. "Jisoo can't speak English all that well, but she can understand you."

Chaeng blushes from Lisa's comment and smiles, "thanks for letting me sit with you guys."


Lunch comes faster than expected. Jisoo walks down the hall to put her books back into her locker. Lisa had promised to show Chaeyoung around so they couldn't have lunch together.

Falling for You | Jensoo (Badass AU)Where stories live. Discover now