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Song Rec: BTS ft. Steve Aoki- Mic Drop (Remix ver.)

A/N: I don't know if anyone ever wonders what the characters are wearing. If you are they're wearing uniforms by Smart (any of them), except for Jennie cause she doesn't care.


"Hey. What are you doing?" Lisa says walking up to the bleachers.

Jennie tilts her head as she leans back against the bleacher. "Why do you care?"

"I'm just asking." Lisa shrugs sitting next to her.

"Do you need something?" Jennie rolls her eyes.

"I just wanna talk, I mean you stopped Kim Hanbin from assaulting my best friend, so why can't we be friends?"

"Who's your friend?"

"What, you save a lot of girls from assault or something?"

Jennie shrugs,"Maybe." She sighs, "How is Jisoo?"

"She's good, other than the fact that you're not showing up to class anymore and now she has to work by herself...again." Lisa says.

"She misses me already?" Jennie smirks.

"Maybe. Maybe not." Lisa shrugs.

Lisa's phone goes off signalling a text. She smiles when she sees it's from Chaeyoung.

"Wow, you're in love with whoever that is." Jennie teases.

"W-what? N-no." Lisa stutters shaking her head.

"Yeah cause that was convincing." Jennie scoffs. "So, who is it?"

"No one." Lisa insists.

"No one?" Jennie raises her brow. She leans forward and snatches Lisa's phone out of her hand.

"Hey!" Lisa shouts.

"Ou Park Chaeyoung?" Jennie smirks. "That hot new Australian transfer?"

Lisa grabs her phone back, smacking her arm. "Yes, her. And back off."

"Why? Are you dating?" Jennie teases further.

"N-no. But...but...just don't okay!" Lisa pleads.

"Oh so it's a crush?"

"I didn't say that." Lisa pouts.

"So she's single then?" Jennie smiles.

"Yes... No. I like her okay! So don't even think about it!" Lisa says stomping her foot like a child.

"I won't but now I know you have a crush on her." Jennie shrugs grabbing her bag and walking away.


Jisoo has no idea where Lisa went. They were supposed to have lunch together but she disappeared someplace else.

"Hey Chaeyoung-ah! Where's Lisa?" Jisoo says spotting her.

"I don't know, I thought we were gonna have lunch?" Chaeng says looking at her phone. She had no notifications so she texted Lisa.

"Tell her to meet us at our table. So we can get some food." Jisoo says hooking her arm with Chaeyoung.



Jennie ran through the pouring rain to her car. She sighed looking down at her wet clothes and turned the heat on.

It had been cloudy all day seemingly reflecting her mood. The sky had finally opened up and started to downpour. Jennie had stopped going to class for a couple days, she thought it would be awkward to see Jisoo after their last encounter. But not seeing Jisoo everyday was kind of bringing her mood down...and she has no idea why.

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