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1 Week Later

The house was completely silent. Jennie and Jisoo were asleep in Jennie's room. Chaeyoung and Lisa slept over at Jennie's house as well. It took four days for all of them to get over their sickness and Jennie surprisingly never got it.

It was 3 am when Jisoo jumped suddenly at a loud noise and looked around the room. She ran her fingers through her hair and glanced over at Jennie who was knocked out sleep.

She leaned down and kissed her before cuddling back into her chest and closing her eyes again. A few minutes later she heard glass breaking.

"Shit!" She jumped up and starting shaking Jennie violently. "Someone is breaking in Jendeukie, get up." Jisoo whispered.

"Go back to sleep Chu." Jennie said while hitting her girlfriend with the pillow.

"Get up Jendeukie!" Jisoo hissed out just as more glass broke.

Jennie's eyes widened and she jumped up and ran towards the door.

"You're naked!" Jisoo said quickly. "You are not going downstairs naked." The older girl ran in the closet. "Where are the black sweats?"

"Why do they need to be black?" Jennie asked while pressing her ear to the door to listen.

"I don't know, they just do." Jisoo said quickly as she pulled out sweatpants and sweatshirts tossing a set to her girlfriend.

"We have to go check on the kids." Jisoo replied.

"What kids?" Jennie hissed.

"Chaeyoung and Lisa!" Jisoo whispered, "it wasn't a good idea to have them sleep in the living room."

"It's not a bad idea when we have sex." Jennie said quickly. "You are a screamer."

"You are the screamer Miss oh my god, oh Jesus Jisoo." Jisoo said while falling to the ground as she tried to put her pants on.

Jennie ran over and helped her up while trying not to laugh. "It's not funny Jendeukie." Jisoo whined.

"How are you graceful when you dance but clumsy doing everything else?" Jennie replied.

Jisoo shrugged. "There isn't any music right now."

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhh." Jennie said quickly while pressing her ear to the door.

Jisoo jumped up and turned them on. She then reached under the bed and pulled out the box with their sex toys in it and tossed  one of the straps-ons.

"What the hell Jisoo?" Jennie asked.

"We don't have weapons." Jisoo replied.

"We don't need weapons, I kickbox remember?" Jennie whispered. "What are we supposed to do with these, sex them to death." Jennie laughed.

"I don't know." Jisoo rushed out. "Just put it on!"

"Why would I put it on? No, just hold it." Jennie said while wrapping the strap around her arm. "Not that one!" She yelled out suddenly to Jisoo. "That's my favorite."

Jisoo examined the strap on and nodded. "Yeah this is a good one." She then picked up a different one.

"Stay behind me Jennie." Jisoo said softly while slowly opening the door to their bedroom and stealthy running down the steps.

"Why are you going first? I'm the one that can actually fight!" Jennie whispers.

"Shut up!" Jisoo scolds.

She saw a shadow in the kitchen and gasped while turning around and pointing to Jennie.

Jennie nodded. "Let's kick his ass." She whispered.

Falling for You | Jensoo (Badass AU)Where stories live. Discover now