Ch 14

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A/N: sorry guys I was on a little break. And I had writers block.

1 Week Later


Jisoo was fast asleep in her bed when a light sound was heard. She'd been sleeping in her own bed for a few days now since her concussion was gone, meaning Jennie didn't need to care for her 24/7.

It was difficult for the couple but Jennie just insisted she'd come over when needed. Usually Jisoo would call if she couldn't fall asleep and Jennie would be right over.

The sound of something knocking on her window awoke Jisoo from her sleep. She groaned since it had taken her awahile to fall asleep without Jennie.

Jennie needed to do a favour for Bam so she wasn't able to go home with Jisoo. She got out of bed and opened the window only to see Jennie scaled up her wall. 

"Jennie? What the hell are you doing?" Jisoo says opening her window all the was as Jennie climbed through.

"Your door was locked." Jennie shrugs taking her jacket and shoes off.

Jisoo noticed something odd. Jennie wasn't making eye contact what so ever with Jisoo.

She uncrossed her arms and grabbed Jennie by the arm so that the girl could face her. Jennie still wasn't looking at her so Jisoo tilted her chin up to face her.

"Jesus Jennie what happened?" Jisoo says worriedly seeing Jennie with a bruise on the underside of her Jaw and a cut on her brow.

"It's nothing." Jennie says turning away.

"What do you mean nothing? You're hurt Jennie, where did it come from?" Jisoo says insistently.

"It doesn't matter okay? Just let it go." Jennie says angrily, as she takes her shirt off only to reveal a couple more bruises.

Jisoo watches as she takes her pants off as well and goes to the other side of Jisoo's bed only to lay in it.

Jisoo follows her and lays in bed as well. She huffs in annoyance seeing Jennie's back turned to her so she moves Jennie so that she's laying on her back and climbs on top of her.

"Tell me." Jisoo whispers holding Jennie's face in her hand.

"I can't."

"Why?" Jisoo says desperately.

"Cause it will only get you hurt." Jennie sighs, bringing Jisoo down to rest her forehead against hers. "And I can't live knowing that."

"But you're getting hurt." Jisoo frowns.

"That's not what matters." Jennie sighs.

"It matters to me Jennie!" Jisoo says, "what makes you think that I would be okay with someone I love coming home with bruises all over her body. Huh? What sane person would be okay with that?"

"Look you'll know one day, just not today." Jennie says.

"Fine." Jisoo says angrily as she moves back into her spot, turning her back to Jennie.

Jennie sighs and turns over to her. She wraps an arm around her but Jisoo doesn't budge.

"Chu, don't be like that. You'll know soon enough, just not now. It's not safe." Jennie whispers kissing her neck.

"I just worry. This isn't the first time Jennie." Jisoo sniffles.

"I know baby... but I can't promise it will be the last." Jennie sighs.

Jisoo turns over and hides herself in Jennie's chest, she hugs Jennie tightly as if she'd disappear.

Jennie holds her and rubs her back soothingly. "Everything will be okay..."

Falling for You | Jensoo (Badass AU)Where stories live. Discover now