Ch 7

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It's been 3 weeks since Jisoo got hit with the ball. She was permitted to watch some Tv, read, and go on her phone but she wasn't allowed to attend school for another week.

Jisoo was still living with Jennie for the time being but wouldn't be for that much longer. The thought made both of them sad. Jennie still hadn't asked Jisoo out and Jisoo was starting to lose faith.

If she really liked you she would have done it already, Jisoo thought.

"Are you feeling well enough to watch a movie?" Jennie asks her. 

Jisoo snaps out of her thoughts and smiles,"sure."

Jennie puts a movie on for them and sits against the sectional. She pats the spot next to her so that Jisoo would lay there.

Jisoo lays next to her, and Jennie wraps her arm around her so that they're spooning.

"I invited Lisa and Chaeng over to come hang out with you tonight. I have to go do something for a friend before I come back, okay?" Jennie whispers.

Jisoo nods and lets the thoughts take over her mind. Who was Jennie talking to? Who was she talking about? Why can't I know?

Jennie was being a little shady lately and Jisoo was getting worried. After spending the last few weeks together Jisoo had a deep caring for the younger girl.

Also why hasn't Jennie asked me out yet? They kiss and sleep in the same bed, yet they're not dating.

Jisoo was starting to get a headache from thinking about it so she turned over in Jennie's arms and cuddled into her chest.

"You okay?" Jennie asked concerned.

Jisoo didn't answer, what was she supposed to say? No, why the fuck don't you like me and asks me out already, or lie and say yes.

"Jisoo?" Jennie asks again. She tries to pull back and look at Jisoo's face but Jisoo just shakes her head and clings tighter onto her.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jennie says rubbing her back. "Do you have a head ache?"

Jisoo nods her head so that she doesn't have to admit the real reason why.

"I'll get you some medicine." Jennie says moving to get up but Jisoo pulls her back down.

"No." Jisoo whispers.

"Okay, are you sure?"

"Yeah, just hold me." Jisoo says closing her eyes.

Jennie does as she's told and strokes Jisoo's hair in hopes of lessening her head ache.

She kisses the side of Jisoo's head and holds her tightly. It wasn't long until they both fall asleep on the couch listening to the background noise of the movie.


Jisoo wakes up when she hears the sound of a camera go off, followed by giggles.

"They're so cute." Lisa coos.

Jisoo was so warm and comfortable in Jennie's hold that she didn't want to leave but the Maknaes were annoying her.

"Ugh shut up." Jisoo groans turning over.

"You guys look comfortable." Lisa teases. 

"I was until you two showed up." Jisoo laughs stretching.

"Sorry unnie but Jennie told us to drop by, we didn't know you'd be sleeping." Chaeng says sitting on Lisa's lap.

"I see Jennie's plan worked." Jisoo smirks at the pair.

Falling for You | Jensoo (Badass AU)Where stories live. Discover now