Ch 2

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A/N: I'm freaking out about Lisa's dark hair. They all look amazing!


Jennie took one last drag from her cigarette before stubbing it out and hiking her bag onto her shoulder and walking into the hallways of YG High School.

As she stepped through the crowd, people parted like the red sea. A satisfied smirk crossed her lips, as she reached her locker and banged it open.

Grabbing the textbooks she would need for the day she didn't even bother looking up when she felt a presence next to her. "Go away. I'm not interest," she said in a deep warning growl.

"Harsh, babe, come on give me a chance," Lee Hanbin said with his same usual creepy smile on.

Jennie slammed the locker closed and glared up at him.

"What makes you think that I would sleep with you, Hanbin?" She demanded. His smile only grew at her words and she could almost see him running the memory of their last pleasant encounter in his mind.

He sighed contently. "Well, I'm a hot and badass and so are you. I figure we should get together since we have so much in common." Her glare could have wilted a flower.

"Hanbin, do I need to remind you that I kicked you in the balls yesterday after you didn't listen to me. Besides, I'm more so into girls. You know how I like to make them scream my name in ways that you could never do."

His smug demeanor fell at her words. "Damn, Jennie, I knew you were an asshole sometimes but now you're just acting like a straight up bitch," he snarled before storming off.

Jennie simply shrugged off his insult and went to her next class.


Jisoo was busy reading and was surprised when someone flopped into the seat next to her. Jennie was in class again, two days in a row? Jisoo thought.

The teacher assigned them questions to do with their seat partners for the time being. Jisoo looked over at Jennie and saw her head down in her arms. She didn't know if Jennie was sleeping or not, and she didn't want to find out.

Jisoo sighed, of course she had to start doing the questions by herself.

"Miss Jennie Kim!" Ms. Jungha shouted.

"Huh?" Jennie says groggily.

"There is no sleeping in my classroom. Please start working on the questions with Kim Jisoo." She orders.

Jennie groans and turns to see what Jisoo is working on. Jisoo swallows and tries to focus on doing their work.

"What do I do?" Jennie says leaning close into her.

Jisoo's breath catches in her throat, she could smell Jennies sweet perfume and it was addicting.

"Uh...just do the last question." Jisoo says gaining composure.

Jennie looks at the textbook to see that there are at least 15 questions but Jisoo only told her to do one.

Despite not going to any of her classes Jennie was actually one of the smartest people in the school. She finished the one question in 5 minutes.

Jisoo looked over at Jennie and saw that she was done already. How did she do that so fast?

Jennie let out a loud yawn and  leaned back in her chair while Jisoo continued to do the rest of the work.

"Yeah being pretty must be really tiring." Jisoo rolls her eyes while writing.

Jennie tilts her head in response,"Then you must be exhausted." She replies smoothly.

Jisoo freezes at her words as a hot blush crawls up her cheeks. Jennie smirks seeing the obvious effect she has on the older girl.

Jisoo swallows and continues to work as if she didn't hear her.


Chaeyoung was putting her books into her locker when someone came up behind her, covering her eyes.

"Guess who?" She hears. "She's sweet and adorable...and she's gonna be really mad if you guess wrong."

"Hi Lalisa." Chaeng laughs uncovering her eyes.

Chaeyoung had found herself in a dilemma concerning her new friend. Lisa was smart, nice, and beautiful, in other words Chaeng's dream girl. She was beginning to develop a crush on the girl and that worried her.

Lisa is gorgeous, not to mention popular, why would she be with me? Chaeng thought. She also didn't want to lose her one of her only friends because of her feelings.

"Hi Chaeyoungie, wanna sit with me today?" She asks tilting her head cutely.

"I'd love to." Chaeng smiles.

"Awesome. Lets go see Jisoo unnie." Lisa says grabbing her hand.

Chaeng blushes as they walk down the hall to Jisoo's locker. Their hands fit perfectly together and her hands were softer than a baby.

"Yo Jisoo unnie." Lisa greets letting go of Chaeng's hand.

"Hi guys. You'll never guess what happened." Jisoo sighs.

"What? Did you finally take my advice about your hair." Lisa says.

"No. What's wrong with my hair?" Jisoo pouts looking at her brown locks. "Never mind that's not the point. What I was going to say is Jennie showed up to class again. And she sat next to me Again. And she said I was pretty."

"She actually showed up? That's a first." Lisa says.

"Who's Jennie?" Chaeng asks curiously.

"Jennie Kim. She's like the Bad aaa of the school. She doesn't really care about school or talk to anyone. There are a lot of bad rumours about her, people call her a bitch all the time. I don't really get why though, she seemed civil when I met her." Lisa explains.

"She used to annoy the crap out of me on purpose. Now she's...nice? It's confusing me. Ugh my brain hurts." Jisoo groans.

"Look at the bright side, she stopped annoying you." Lisa says grabbing onto Chaeng's hand again as they walk down the hall.

"I guess." Jisoo sighs.


Lisa was in a trance as she watched Chaeyoung write down the notes from the board. She'd never wanted to get to know someone more than she did right now.

Chaeyoung was sweet, adorable, and beautiful. Lisa just wanted to kiss and hug her for the rest of her life.

"Are you gonna write these down?" Chaeng whispers, oblivious to her staring.

"Oh yeah." Lisa blushes and looks back down at her sheet.

Chaeyoung put her hand up to answer a question but covered her armpit with her free hand.

"What are you doing?" Lisa giggles.

"What?" Chaeng blushes putting her arm down.

"You're so cute." Lisa chuckles going back to writing.


Jisoo stuffed her books into her bag before running down the hall to her class. For the first time in her entire high school career she was running late.

She refused to be so she sprinted down the hall but of course she tripped. Bracing herself for the fall she closed her eyes tightly.

...but the fall didn't come. Instead she felt the strong arms of someone holding her up around the waist.

Slowly she opened her eyes to meet soft chocolate ones. Her eyes flicker down to Pink pouty lips only inches away from hers.

Jisoo swallows hard and regains her composure. She doesn't know what to say or what that was so she walks away silently.

She doesn't understand why this keeps happening. Why does Jennie keep saving her?More importantly... why did she wanna kiss her?

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