Ch 4

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Jisoo is sleeping peacefully but wakes up to the sound of mumbling. Her brows scrunch in confusion as the arm around her waist tightens. What the hell?! She thinks.

Slowly she opens her eyes. They widen when she notices the arm around her waist and the breezy feel under the covers.

What?! Please no no no...

She looks under the covers and chokes when she sees that she's naked.

Oh my god! Why am I naked? What did I do?

"Saranghae..." The voice mumbles again.

Jisoo looks over to see an equally naked Jennie under the covers next to her.

"AHHHHH!!!" Jisoo shouts covering her breasts with the blanket.

"Huh? What's happening? Where's the fire?" Jennie mumbles sleepily sitting up causing the covers to fall off her chest.

"AHHHHHHH!" Jisooo shouts seeing her boobs for the first time before clenching her eyes shut.

"Why are you yelling?" Jennie groans covering her chest.

"What did we do? Why am I naked? Why are you naked? What the hell is happening?!" Jisoo rambles shaking her head.

"Open your eyes you big baby, it's not like you didn't see them last night."

"WHAT?!" Jisoo shouts, her eyes widening in disbelief.

"You don't remember?" Jennie says.

Jisoo shakes her head furiously.

"Well..." Jennie smirks leaning forward.

Jisoo tightens her hold on the covers and watches as Jennie leans in closer and closer.

"It was really amazing, I though you were inexperienced but the way you...beep!Beep!Beep!Beep!"



"Beep!Beep!Beep!Beep!" The alarm sounded.

Jisoo groaned and shook her head and opened her eyes in shock, as she gasped. It was all a dream.

She frantically looked under the covers and sighed in relief when she saw that she was fully clothed.

Jisoo looked around the room and noticed she was still in Jennie's room but there was no Jennie. She could her the faint sound of the shower and assumed that that's where she was. She sighed and looked at the clock.

Jennie opened the door and came out of the bathroom with one towel wrapped around her head and another around her body.

"Oh, you're awake!" Jennie says tightening the towel around her body. "Just let me get dressed first."

Jisoo nodded and waited for her.


Jennie made them breakfast and gave Jisoo one of her uniforms, since she never wore them anyways.

"Does this mean you're actually coming to class?" Jisoo asks.

Jennie shrugs and takes a bite of her food. "Maybe, why? Do you miss me?" She teases.

"No." Jisoo says seriously.

Jennie's smile falters, "oh."

"I'm just kidding! You're face though." Jisoo laughs.

Falling for You | Jensoo (Badass AU)Where stories live. Discover now