Ch 16

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A/N: More fluff

Jennie sighed as she opened the door to Jisoo's house, finally escaping the cold. She grabbed the grocery bags and set them on the counter.

After unloading all the groceries she made her way upstairs to Jisoo's room and opened the door quietly.

She let out a soft chuckle seeing the Maknaes and Jisoo cuddled up against each other on the big bed. It turns out that both Chaeyoung and Lisa got whatever illness Jisoo had, so now all three of them were sick and Jennie was left to take care of them.

"Jisoo baby..." Jennie whispers, brushing the hairs off of her face.

"Hmm?" Jisoo hums.

"You hungry? I brought some food." Jennie says, smiling at Jisoo's pouty, sleepy face.

"Did someone say food?" Lisa grumbles, waking up from her nap.

"Oh so I see you're awake now." Jennie chuckles.

"Mhmm." Lisa hums turning over to hug Chaeyoung.

"Are any of you guys feeling better?" Jennie asks, feeling their foreheads. All of them were still hot.

"Aishh, Park Chaeyoung is the worst out of all of you guys." Jennie sighs.

Jennie pulls out the soups she bought for the three of them and sets them on the nightstand.

"If you guys sit up, you can eat."

Lisa groans as she moves to sit up, her muscles aching in the process. Jisoo does the same, yawning sleepily.

Jennie looked at the TV since frozen was playing in the background.

"How many times have you guys watched this?" Jennie chuckles handing them their bowls of soup.

"Too many times." Jisoo smiles.

"You mean, not enough." Lisa says lifting her spoon.

"Wait Lisa!" Jennie shouts.

"Ow!" Lisa says as her tongue touches the hot soup.

"Ugh, you're supposed to wait until it's cool pabo." Jennie scolds.

She takes the spoon from Lisa and blows on the soup for her before holding it up to her mouth. "Open."

Lisa does as she's told and accepts the soup.

"Wait, why does she get to be fed by you." Jisoo pouts.

"Are you guys serious right now." Jennie says unamused.

Both nod in response.

"Feed yourselves. I've decided Chaeyoung is my favourite." Jennie says giving Lisa her soup back.

She moves to the other side of the bed and softly strokes Chaeyoung's cheek.

"Rosé...Rosé wake up." Jennie whispers.

"Hm? Unnie?" Chaeyoung mumbles cracking her eyes open.

"Hey, you hungry?" Jennie asks.

Chaeyoung nods her head sleepily before sitting up.

"Here I'll feed you." Jennie says, smirking at Jisoo and Lisa who are eating their soups.

"Ahh Unnie Yah! No fair." Lisa whines.

"Huh? Sorry can't hear you." Jennie teases, while blowing on Chaeyoung's soup.

"Whatever, we don't need you." Lisa pouts.

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