Ch 18

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A/N: School sucks.


Jennie was sitting next to Jisoo in class and Jisoo was pretty sure she was asleep. The teacher was giving a long lecture and Jisoo was writing all the notes down furiously.

"Jendeukie, wake up." Jisoo says giving her a shove.

"Hmm? Five more minutes." Jennie groans.

"Why are you so sleepy Unnie?" Chaeyoung asks turning around.

"Oh I can guess why, based on the sounds we heard last night." Lisa smirks.

Jennie took Jisoo's eraser and threw it at Lisa.

"Ow!" Lisa chuckles.

"Ms. Kim!" The teacher shouts.

"What do you want?" Jennie asks looking up unamused.

"Please stop disturbing my class and do your work." He says.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes, "this class is fucking boring anyways." Jennie says as she stands up. She gives Jisoo a kiss on the cheek making her blush profusely, before looking back at the teacher with a smug look on her face. "I'm out of here."

The students watch in awe as she leaves the room before looking back at Jisoo, Who was doing her best to ignore the stares.

Jisoo is dating her?

Why is Jisoo with that bitch?

But Jisoo's so nice

That was hot

Students started to whisper and Jisoo ignored them and went back to her work.


"Jisoo!" Jin called Out as Jisoo exited the school.

Jisoo smiles and walks over to him, giving him a quick hug. "Hi!"

"Where's Jennie? I have to tell you two something." He says.

"She's talking to Mr. Yang. She got in trouble, but she'll be out soon." Jisoo says.

"What did she do this time?" Jin shakes his head.

"She spoke back to Mr. Son and left class." Jisoo shrugged.

"Speaking of the trouble maker, here she comes." Jin smiles and nods toward.

Jisoo looks behind her and almost loses her breath at the sight. Jennie was wearing black ripped jeans, a white guicci crop top underneath her black leather Jacket, with black ray bans resting on her face, as she ran her fingers through her hair. It was almost like she was walking in slow motion.

"You'll catch flies if you keep your mouth open like that," Jennie smirks.

Jisoo immediately snaps out of her leering, when she realizes Jennie is now in front of her. "Sorry." She blushes.

"It's cool Chu." Jennie smiles wrapping an arm around the girl,"Anyways why'd you text me Jin?"

"Oh um I actually needed to tell you guys, or more Jisoo, that our parents are back in town..." Jin says.

"...and?" Jennie asks.

"And they want to meet Jennie." Jin spits out quickly.

"What!?" Jisoo shouts with wide eyes,"h-how do they know? What am I going to do? Oh my god. This is not good, not good at all." Jisoo sighs.

"Woah, I'm not that bad." Jennie chuckles.  

"No baby, it's not you that's the problem, it's them." Jisoo assures. "My father is a rich self righteous assholes who thinks that the only important things in life are money and school." Jisoo rambles.

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