Ch 10

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait.

After everyone settlers into the house Jennie suggested they go out on the boat. Of course everyone agreed and went to change into their bathing suits.

"Shit I knew I forgot something." Lisa says.

"I'll go see if Jennie has any extra." Jisoo says standing up.

Lisa had forgotten her towel so Jisoo went to go see if Jennie had some.

"Babe do we ha-h-holy shit." Jisoo says turning around since Jennie was naked. "Um I'm sorry I didn't know you were changing."

Jisoo moves to leave the room before Jennie rushes over and stops her. "It's okay chu, just tell me what you need."

"No it's okay, it can wait just get dressed." Jisoo says with her eyes tightly shut.

Jennie chuckles and moves to face Jisoo. She picked up a towel and tied it around her bare naked body. "Open your eyes."

Jisoo opened her eyes but avoided looking at Jennie completely. "Uhm Lisa forgot her towel."

Jennie smirked and leaned in to whisper into Jisoo's ear. Jisoo swallowed hard as Jennie's scent invade her nose.

"She can have mine." Jennie whispered hotly, dropping her towel.

Jisoo's eyes widened after hearing the towel hit the floor as her eyes slowly wandered up and down Jennie's perfect body.

She couldn't take it anymore. Jisoo leaned in to kiss Jennie aggressively, pushing her against the door.

Jennie smiled and grabbed Jisoo by the waist switching their positions. Jisoo's hands were already trailing up and down her back before moving to grope her mounds.

Jisoo moaned feeling Jennie's hard nipples against her palm.

"Unnie! Did you find a towel!?" Lisa shouts knocking on the door.

They separate quickly. "Uuh y-yeah, one second!" Jisoo shouts as Jennie runs towards the Bathroom.

Jisoo opens the door and picks the towel off the floor before shoving it into Lisa's arms.

"Than-" Lisa says but is cut off by the door shutting in her face. "Huh, weird." Lisa shrugs.

Jisoo sighs heavily as she leans against the door. Jennie exited the bathroom dressed in her bathing suit this time but it really didn't help Jisoo relax since she still looked hot.

Jisoo grabbed her suit and went into the bathroom to change as well.


Jennie was sitting on the bed waiting for Jisoo to come out of the bathroom.

Jisoo opened the door and stepped out of the Bathroom in a plain white bikini. Jennie's mouth hung open, speechless, at the beauty before her.

"Close your mouth, you'll catch flies." Jisoo laughs.

"UNNIE-Yah! YOUR'E TAKING FOREVER!" Lisa shouts banging on their door.

"We're coming relax!" Jennie shouts.


There was a big boat out by a dock near the boat house, that belonged to Jennie's parents.

Everyone was changed in their suits and had their towels with them.

"Jesus, you are rich as fuck." Yoongi says looking around the boat.

Falling for You | Jensoo (Badass AU)Where stories live. Discover now