Ch 9

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A/N: I'm just going to assume that a family of rappers don't care for cursing. If they do, good for them.
Jennie's brows scrunch in confusion as she pulls into the driveway and sees three other cars in the driveway. All black SUVs.

"What's going on?" Jisoo frowns.

"I don't know." Jennie says parking her car.

They both exit the car and walk up to the front door. Jennie stands in front of Jisoo as she opens it.

"Hello? Kangdon? Who's here?" Jennie calls out. 

"Jennie!" Her dad shouts coming out of no where.

"JESUS FUCK!" She shouts before realizing it's her dad. "Dad! You scared the shit out of me." Jennie sighs feeling her heart race.

"Sorry, my bad." He says hugging her.

"What are you doing here? I thought you wouldn't be back for another month." Jennie says,"Is mom here too?"

"Yeah she's grabbing something-"

"I'm right here!" She says coming out of nowhere.

"Where the hell do you guys keep coming from?" Jennie whispers looking around the house.

"And who's this lovely lady Nini?" Chaelin smiles.

"Oh this is my gir- uh Jisoo." Jennie says catching herself. She had to remind herself that Jisoo wasn't her girlfriend...yet.

"Well it's very nice to meet you Jisoo. I'm Chaelin and this is my husband Jiyong." She smiles.

"It's an honour to meet you both. And thank you for letting me stay here for the last month." Jisoo bows politely.

"It's no problem sweetie."

"Are you guys gonna tell me why you're home? Or are we just gonna act like you weren't gone for 3 months." Jennie says.

"There's actually a little problem, Jennie and I don't think you're going to like it." Jiyong says motioning them to sit in the Living room.

"What is it?" Jennie sighs sitting next to Jisoo.

"Mnet has discovered that you're our daughter and now everyone knows. We know that this is not the way you wanted things to happen, since you want to be known as your own person but Mnet really fucked you over." Jiyong sighs.

"We're really sorry baby but things are definitely going to change and I'm not sure if you'll like it all that much." Chaelin grimaces.

"Like what?" Jennie groans.

"Well paparazzi for one, they are going to be on your tail non stop. Kids at school, are probably going just as bad. Three Jisoo..." Jiyong lists off.

"What about Jisoo?" Jennie glares.

"I'm not an idiot Jennie." He laughs,"you're my daughter and I know you better than you think. Since you guys are dating, they are gonna be all over her too." Jiyong says.

"I called manager unnie and she says that YG is doing his best to work out the news. No one even knew you existed and now that they know about you, shits about to go down." Chaelin sighs.

"I know this isn't what you wanted, but it's already happening. We're really sorry because we know that you wanted to be independent and make a name for yourself but this was out of our control." She says giving Jennie a hug.

Jennie hugs her back and lets out a deep breath. "I know, it's not your fault. Mnet are just a bunch of did they even find out?"

"I'm not to sure but our lawyers are looking into it." Jiyong says. "But on the bright side we're gonna be home for a little while until this is dealt with."

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