Ch 11

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A/N: Let's take a minute to appreciate Sibling Kim Jisoo and Kim Seokjin. The Visuals of this family would kill.

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Jennie softly stroked up and down Jisoo's back. She guessed the older girl had fallen asleep by now after crying for so long. Jennie didn't really know what to do in this situation, since she's an only child but she knows it's hurting Jisoo and there needs to be some way to fix it.

Jennie let out a heavy sigh before carefully getting out of bed. She covered Jisoo with a blanket before going out to look for Seokjin.

It didn't take very long to find him. He was sitting on the edge of the dock with a drink in his hand, just looking down at the water.

Slowly Jennie approached him, careful not to scare him. She sat next to him and he didn't even bother to acknowledge her. They sat in silence until he finally spoke.

"How long has this been going on?" He says quietly, still staring at the water.

"Only a couple days."

"How long have you liked her?"

"Since the first class I showed up to this semester."

"Do you treat her right? Not like those hoes you used to bring to Taes house."

"Yeah...she deserves to be treated like a queen."

"Is she okay?" Jin asks quietly, finally looking at her.

"Honestly...not really." Jennie sighs. "Look she loves you Jin, and she didn't want to keep this a secret from you but with everything that's happened lately with her Concussion it slipped her mind. Don't hold this against her, if anything be there to support her. And if it's me you have the problem with then...I'll just do as she asks." She sighs.

"You're not the problem." He says throwing a rock into the water below,"I mean I'm not particularly happy that I just saw you try to devour my sisters face. But I'm actually happy she found someone like you Jennie. I know you try and be this tough bitch who plays with people's heart, but I'm not stupid." He chuckles.

"I know that you care for her as much as I do. Otherwise you wouldn't have volunteered to take care of her for a month and a half." Jin says.

"I do care about her." Jennie smiles.

"If you hurt my sister I will not hesitate to hurt you. Got it?" Jin says seriously.

"Got it." Jennie nods, "so we're good then?" She says standing up.

"Yeah, I'll talk to Jisoo in the morning." He says.

"Okay, have a good night."

"Yeah, I'll see you later." He nods.


Jisoo woke up super warm and comfortable. She didn't want to be awake but it seems her brain had other ideas. Sighing she turned over to be met with Jennie's sleeping face.

She smiled at the younger girl and kissed her forehead before carefully getting out of bed. Jisoo went down stairs towards and scrunched her brows when she heard moaning coming from the kitchen.

Slowly she walked over.

"Mmphh." She heard and immediately knew the familiar sound.

Jisoo walked into the kitchen to see Jin eating breakfast. He always made odd sounds when eating. She prayed her wasn't still mad and hugged him tightly, from behind since he was facing the other way.

"Ahhhh! Don't take the food!" Jin shouts, startled from Jisoo's hug.

Jisoo giggled at his reaction and hugged tighter.

"Ah Jisoo-yah, you scared me." Jin sighs calming down. "Come sit." He says patting the spot in front of him.

Jisoo walks around the table and sits in front of him. "Are you still mad?" She asks quietly.

He shakes his head and swallows his food. "No, but that doesn't mean I forgive you."

"I'm sorry Seokjin, I meant to tell you, I really did but I wasn't even sure myself yet. I've never even kissed a guy or a girl before I met Jennie, how was I supposed to know. I was confused about the feelings I was having for Jennie an I didn't know how to deal with them." Jisoo says.

"You could've asked me. I would've helped you." He says, "But I understand...I spoke to Jennie about it last night."

"You did?"

"Yeah, and she helped me understand. She really cares for you Jisoo." Jin says looking into her eyes.

"I know, I care about her too." Jisoo smiles softly, "does this mean you accept my apology?"

"Yes, but don't do it again. You can trust me too Jisoo. I love you" He smiles.

"I love you too!" Jisoo squeals and goes over to hug him tightly. Jin chuckles and hugs her back.

Jisoo lets go and steals a bite of his breakfast before running away. "See yah!" She laughs.

"Hey!" Jin chuckles as she runs down the hall. He shakes his head with a smile before turning back to his breakfast.

A/N: This is really short but I felt bad leaving on a sad note. So next chap will be longer.

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