Ch 8

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A/n: "It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!"-Agnes (Despicable Me).

"I'll stay for you..." Jennie whispered hugging her tightly.


Jisoo was wide awake as she played on her phone. It was 10 on a Saturday morning and Jennie was still asleep next to her.

She was getting hungry and bored. She leaned over and kissed Jennies cheek. "Wakey wakey."

Jisoo nudged Jennie's cheek with her nose and kissed it again. Jennie groaned and turned her face away.

"Babe wake up." Jisoo says kissing her face repeatedly. 

She pulled away and saw that Jennie was still sleeping. "Wake up." Jisoo pouts.

She leans down to kiss her again but this time Jennie moves so that it lands on her lips.

"I'm already awake." Jennie smiles wrapping an arm around Jisoo.

"Jendeukie..." Jisoo whines as Jennie traps her in her hold.

"Can I go back to sleep?" Jennie pouts snuggling into Jisoo.

"No it's already late." Jisoo smiles.

"Ten minutes, ten more minutes." Jennie grins closing her eyes. She turns onto her side holding Jisoo in her arms and kisses her shoulder.


They had just finished eating breakfast and had plans to go out for the day.

Jennie was washing the dishes when she felt two arms wrap around her waist. Jisoo smiles and hugs her tightly.

She was beyond happy, because after yesterday's events Jennie had asked her out on a date. Of course she said yes and today was the day.

They weren't officially a couple but they agreed to only date each other. Because Jennie knew she would fight any guy who even try to wink at Jisoo.

Jisoo didn't mind because she didn't want to date anyone else. She also didn't want to see Jennie with anyone else anyways.

"What are you doing?" Jennie laughs, she flicks water at Jisoo's face.

"Ahh Jennie!" Jisoo laughs wiping the water off her face.

She sticks her fingers the water and splashes it back at Jennie.

"Jisoo-yah!" Jennie shouts running away as Jisoo chases after her.

Jisoo laughs and continues to throw water at her.

"Jisoo! It's getting everywhere!" Jennie laughs. She grabs Jisoo around the waist and restrains her arms.

They ended up falling onto the floor right into a little puddle of water.

"Ohhh are you okay?" Jisoo laughs after falling on top of Jennie.

Jennie groans and pouts. "Nooo kiss it better."

Jisoo smiles and leans down to give her a short kiss. "Better?"

Jennie shakes her head in response. Jisoo leasned down again this time making it a long passionate kiss.

"How about now?" Jisoo smiles.

"One more." Jennie says leaning up again. Jisoo complies and kisses her one more time.


Jennie had taken them to the park. They walked a little further up the path and they ran into some street performers, a teenage boy playing a guitar and singing with another guy who was rapping.

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