Ch 5

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A/N: if you guys are wondering, people with concussions need to be wake up every couple hours on the first night because they can die in their sleep.

It was around 23:00 when they left the hospital. Lisa and Chaeng both went home but promised to visit. Jin also had to go home and call their parents.

Jennie picked Jisoo's bag up and helped her walk into the house. She kept it dark so that her eyes wouldn't be in pain. Jisoo would be staying with her for the next month or so until she was better.

Jennie put her bag down and carried Jisoo to her bed. She was on the verge of sleep but Jennie was trying her best to keep her awake.

"Take your medicine first and then you can sleep." Jennie says while tucking Jisoo in.

Jennie quickly goes to her kitchen to get Jisoo's water and medication. After Jisoo takes them Jennie sets multiple alarms to make sure she can wake Jisoo up.

Jisoo grabbed Jennie's hand and pulled her towards the bed weakly. Jennie complied and laid down next to her. She shut off all the lights allowing Jisoo to fall asleep, cuddled into her side.


At 2am the alarm had gone off. Jennie slowly opened eyes and shut it off. Looking over at Jisoo she noticed the girl was in a deep peaceful sleep.

Jennie felt bad waking her up but it was important that it be done. She shook Jisoo's arm lightly.

"Chu, wake up." Jennie says quietly.

She didn't move so jennie stroked her cheek and shook a little harder. "Jisoo, you have to wake up."

Jisoo's eyes popped open as she looked around the darkness. "I'm sorry chu. I have to wake you up every four hours." Jennie says.

Jennie wraps an arm around her in a hug and softly kisses her cheek. "Go back to sleep." She whispered.

Jisoo smiles and closes her eyes falling back to sleep.


Lisa had just found out that her friend Bam Bam was transferring to the same school. She was beyond excited and couldn't wait to tell her friends.

She had known Bam Bam since they were little, back in Thailand. They were best friends and danced in the same group.

They hadn't gotten a chance to see each other in awhile but now they were being reunited.

"CHAEYOUNG! Guess what! My best friend Bam Bam is transferring to our school!" Lisa shouts hugging her tightly. "I'm so happy I could kiss you right now!"

"umm...neat!" Chaeng laughs  nervously.

Luckily Lisa spotted Jungkook  down the hall and went rushing towards him. "Jungkookie! Guess what!?"

Chaeng face palms herself, why did I say neat!?


Jennie woke up after not getting much sleep. It was a pain to wake up every four hours but she was glad Jisoo was okay.

She looked at her phone and saw a few texts from Lisa and Chaeng.
Chaeng told her she would visit at lunch to tell her something. Lisa also had exciting news but would visit after school.

Jennie carefully got out of bed and manuavered through the dark room. It was 11 in the morning but she had closed any light so that it wouldn't hurt Jisoo.

She turned on the oven light in the kitchen since it was dim and didn't reach the bedroom. She started on making breakfast/lunch, Brunch, and responded to their texts.

Falling for You | Jensoo (Badass AU)Where stories live. Discover now