Ch 20

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Song rec: MAMAMOO- Paint me.
Please check it out, it's sooo good honestly.


Jennie opened her eyes seeing Jisoo tossing and turning in bed. She wrapped and arm around the older girl's waist and rubbed her back. She suspected Jisoo was having nightmares.

Jisoo opened her eyes, breathing heavily.

"Shhh. It's okay." Jennie whispers as she holds her.

Jisoo hugged her tightly as Jennie calmed her down. It wasn't long until she fell back asleep.


When Jennie woke up again, she was sweltering from heat. She suspects its cause Jisoo is literally laying on top of her.

She stopped for a moment to admire her sleeping girlfriend. She looked so relaxed and at peace. She was beautiful, even when bare faced. She kissed Jisoo's forehead and gently turned them over, careful not to wake the sleeping beauty.

Jennie got out of bed and headed to the shower.


Not even 5 minutes later Jennie feels the cool breeze of the shower door open behind her, and then a pair of arms around her waist.

"Good morning." Jennie says as she washes her face.

"Good morning." Jisoo mumbles against her back.

Jennie turns around to face her as she squirts some body wash onto the loofah. She smiles softly at Jisoo and the girl smiles back as Jennie starts to wash her body.

Jisoo puts her hand on Jennie es neck and gently pulls her down into a kiss.

"You left me in bed all alone." Jisoo says in between kissing Jennie.

"I know, I'm sorry." Jennie says as she pulls Jisoo's body flush against hers. "How you feeling?" She asks holding Jisoo's cheek in her palm.

"Okay, just a little bit tired." Jisoo yawns making Jennie chuckle.

"Well if you really want to sleep after this you can, but I was thinking I could take you somewhere." Jennie smiles.

"Really? I'd love that." Jisoo smiles back, hugging Jennie tightly.

"Awesome. Once you're done showering, meet me downstairs. Okay?" Jennie says and Jisoo nods. She kisses her cheek and gets out of the shower.

Jennie quickly gets dressed before heading downstairs. She grabs her phone and makes a few quick calls.


"You should sleep, we won't be there for awhile." Jennie smiles as she drives.

Jisoo is in the passenger seat, tracing patterns on Jennie's hand with a small smile on her face.

"How much longer?" Jisoo asks.

"An hour. I promise it will be worth it." Jennie smiles kissing Jisoo's hand.

"I love you, you know that?" Jisoo says as she watches Jennie drive.

"I know Jisoo, and I love you too." Jennie says giving her hand a comforting squeeze.

Jisoo leaned over the console and rested her head on Jennie's shoulder as she closed her eyes.

Jennie kissed her forehead, "sleep baby."


Jisoo woke up to the feeling of Jennie's lips on hers, she smiles at the familiar feeling.

Falling for You | Jensoo (Badass AU)Where stories live. Discover now