Ch 19

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A/N: No time to proof read

Jisoo was in Jennie's bathroom putting some finishing touches on her make up, getting ready for dinner while Jennie was laying on the couch, playing on her phone while she waited.

"You ready?" Jisoo asks while putting her earring in.

Jennie looked up from her phone and smiled at Jisoo. She was wearing a white blouse and a dark blue skirt.

"I thought you said it was business casual?" Jennie says approaching her.

"It is. Why do I look Over dressed. I had to wear something to cover my neck." Jisoo says trying to look at her neck.

"No it's not that." Jennie smiles holding onto her waist. "You just look beautiful is all." She says making Jisoo blush. She kisses her cheek and checks her watch. "We should get going, wouldn't want to be late."

Jisoo nods as the head out.


"Where we going? Your car is right there." Jisoo says nodding over to the black Porsche in the driveway.

"We're not taking that car." Jennie says leading Jisoo to the garage. She clicked the remote on her key and opened up the two door garage.

"Oh my...god of chicken." Jisoo says as her jaws drops.

The garage was filled with at least 11 sports cars. All of different styles and colours, some even with its wing doors open.

"We like cars." Jennie shrugs. She walks them over to the far side of the garage and unlocks the doors to her Black Tesla.

She opens the passenger door for Jisoo and chuckles at her still shocked expression. The interior was all black leather accented with red, a 5 seater car, with the latest technology on its dash.

"Let's go." Jennie says as she drove out of the garage. Her left hand on the steering wheel, the other resting comfortably on Jisoo's thigh.


"Are you nervous?" Jisoo asks as the walk up to her door with their arms linked.

"A little," Jennie admits.

"It'll be okay. Other people will be there, so not all the attention will be on you." Jisoo says before ringing the doorbell. She knew it was her own house and she could just walk in, but this way her mother could meet Jennie without her father being there.

"Jisoo unnie! I need your help right now." Lisa says pulling them in. She drags them up the stairs to her room which is right next to Jisoo's.

"What do you need! I want Jennie to meet eomma without papa being there." Jisoo whisper shouts.

"Why the hell are you wearing a scarf? It's hot as hell in here." Jennie scowls.

"I'm wearing one to cover this!" Lisa whispers loudly as she unwraps her scarf to reveal far purple hickeys.

"Oh. My. God." Jennie says with her mouth wide open. "You and Chaeng totally did the dirty! I knew she wasn't the good church girl she claims to be." Jennie smirks.

"Shut up." Lisa sighs. "Just help me," she begs.

"Okay, I'll help you cover this up quickly. Jennie you pick out a shirt that will cover some of it." Jisoo orders as she drags Lisa to the en suite bathroom.

Jennie rolled her eyes and picked out clothes for Lisa that would cover most of her marked areas.

After waiting for them to finally come out of the bathroom, Jisoo Finally opens the bathroom door.

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