Ch 13

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A/N: I am in a Grade 11 academic university level English course.  I am not illiterate, I just don't have time to proof read. So sorry for any mistakes but please don't correct them for me. I just get annoyed. Continue on...

Jisoo's eyes fluttered open feeling an arm around her waist and a steady breath against her neck. She smiled softly and tried to get up without waking Jennie up.

"Mmmphh." Jennie groaned holding her tighter.

Jisoo chuckled and tried again.

"Nooooo." Jennie whines.

"I have to pee Jendeukie." Jisoo giggles.

"Hold it." Jennie mumbles pulling her closer.

Jisoo sighed and turned to face her. Jennie's eyes were still closed, so Jisoo kissed her lips softly.

Jennie brought her hand up to her cheek to hold her there. It was soft and sweet.

Jisoo pulled away to breath as Jennie smiled and wrapped her arm around Jisoo.

"Go back to sleep." Jennie whispers, closing her eyes again.

"It's already late." Jisoo smiles brushing her hair out of her face. She held her hand against her cheek, running her thumb across the soft skin.

Jennie put her hand on hers and kisses the inside of her palm. "I love you Chu."

"I love you too," Jisoo smiles.


"Whoa nice hair. What do you call that hairstyle? Sex hair?" Lisa chuckles as Jennie and Jisoo walk into the kitchen.

"Shut up. What do you call your hairstyle?" Jisoo retorts.

"Fake hair." Jennie says.

"That's what I was gonna say!" Jisoo laughs giving her a high five.

"You guys are soo mean." Lisa pouts playfully.

"Where is everyone?" Jennie asks.

"They're outside. The guys wanted to do a polar dip this morning." Lisa says looking out the window.

"We should hit the road in a few hours." Jennie sighs.

They were headed back home, to start their new hectic lives. Jisoo sighed and rested her head on Jennie's shoulder. She really loved spending the weekend her with all of their friends and hoped they could come back.


"Hi Jennie." Sowoon, the head cheerleader, says.

She was with a group of her friends and was batting her eyelashes as Jennie in order to gain her attention.

"What do you want." Jennie says uninterested.

"Well I heard that you're famous now and was wondering if you were looking for a new girlfriend." She says steeping closer to Jennie.

"What makes you think that I would want you." Jennie glares.

"Well, for starters in hot, I'm one of the most popular girls at this school, and I'll put out." Sowoon says cockily. "So baby what do you say?"

"I say..." Jennie whispers leaning in, "That I'd rather kiss a toilet brush." She says in her ear before walking away.

Sowoon and her friends gasp in surprise, making Jennie smirk.

"Fine! I don't need you anyways!" Sowoon shouts.

Jennie rolls her eyes and turns down the hall towards Jisoo's locker. She spots the older girl talking to Jinyoung, making her narrow her eyes.

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