Ch 6

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Song rec: Bigbang- If you
1 week Later.

Jennie was making dinner for her and Jisoo while she took a shower. They had just gotten back from the doctors appointment to see how her brain was healing.

Jisoo had gotten better the past few days and could do a couple things on her own now. The only problems being that she got bad migraines if she exerted her brain  and she wasn't able to stand for long periods of time without getting dizzy.

The past few days have been nice but confusing for the two of them. They were going through this phase where it was okay to kiss, cuddle and hug each other but they weren't dating. It was confusing.

Jennie wanted to ask Jisoo out but was afraid that if Jisoo said no, that it would be awkward to be living with her the rest of the month. So she decided to wait.

Jisoo on the other hand was waiting for Jennie to ask her out. Everyday she finds herself getting closer to the girl, wanting to know more, and never getting tired of her voice.

"Hey, I have an idea. Is it okay if we pack this up instead?" Jennie asks.

Jisoo nodded and watched as Jennie put their food into containers.

"What are we doing?" Jisoo asks.

"You'll see." Jennie smiles.


10 minutes later Jennie is helping Jisoo into a Black BMW SUV.

"Why aren't we taking your car?" Jisoo says as Jennie gets into her seat.

"I don't want my tires to get dirty." Jennie says causing Jisoo's brows to scrunch in confusion.

Jisoo opens her mouth to ask another question but Jennie puts a finger on her lips to stop her.

"No more questions. Just put these on. It's sunny out and I don't want you to get a headache. Okay?" Jennie says handing her a pair of sunglasses.

Jisoo nods, taking the sunglasses. Jennie removes her finger from her soft warm lips and has to stop herself from leaning forward and kissing her.

Jisoo puts the sunglasses on as Jennie pulls out of the garage. She settles for watching Jennie drive instead of the road.

She admires the way the sun shines on her skin, how she drives comfortably with one hand on the wheel, and her soft brown hair blowing softly in the wind.

"What are you staring at?" Jennie smiles as they stop at a red light.

"Just enjoying the view." Jisoo shrugs turning to look back out the window.

Jennie just shakes her head and smiles at the girl next to her.


Jennie pulls onto a dirt path before reaching a clearing with a beach. The tide was high so the sand was damp and cool. The sun sparkled against the dark blue waves as they rolled in and crashed into the rocks.

Jennie parked close to the shore making the rear face the water. She popped open the trunk and put the seats down.

She opened the passenger side door and smiled at Jisoo. "You coming?"

Jisoo smiled in awe and grabbed Jennie's hand, hopping out of the car. Jennie giggled and walked her to the trunk.

"This is amazing, I love the beach." Jisoo smiled.

Jennie lifted her by the hips so that she was sitting in the trunk. "I'm glad. I know you were getting bored sitting in bed all week so I thought since you've been cleared to do some things we could hang out here instead." Jennie smiles.

Falling for You | Jensoo (Badass AU)Where stories live. Discover now