Chapter 4- Truth pt2

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"Ok, your mom, Chen Zhao, is the owner and founder of Zhao Inc. This company is one of the biggest company in China."

You took the information in and looked into his eyes, "What about me? Why am I so important?"

RM looked to the ground then back up to you, "Your mom met a Korean guy, Mr. Go, while she was over here doing some business, and after awhile I'm pretty sure you can guess what happened."

"So...I'm half Chinese and half Korean?" You asked furrowing your eyebrows.

"Good job. Guess you aren't so dumb after all," RM said leaning back in his chair.

You narrowed your eyes at him, "Continue."

He sat back up and began again, "After Chen had you, her lover left her because he was only in for it to get her company. This shocked her and she became extremely depressed, but then the mister came back all of sudden wanting everything to do with you. This seemed off to Chen, and soon she found out he was in means to kidnap you and get you out of the picture so he could steal the company."

"Wait, so this guy only came back to kidnap me?!"

RM nodded.

"What was he planning to do with my mother?" You asked leaning forward.

"He was going to marry her and then kill her," he simply stated.

You froze. "How did you and my mom find out all of this information?"

"One of your mom's assistants over her a conversation with your 'father'," You shivered at his words. This man was indeed your father. Who wanted you dead.

"and she immediately went to your mother and told her everything. Your mother sent you away to m/n to keep you safe, but something happened between m/n and Chen, and m/n began to get violent with you, but Chen couldn't do anything about it."

Now it made sense. Now you understood why you were given up.

"But why does she want me back?" You asked getting a little nervous.

RM smirked very slightly before returning to his blank stare, "Your father, he hired a gang of boys, named Got7, to find and kidnap you. Almost to blackmail your mom into giving him her business. She found out and hired us, we call ourselves Bts, to find you first and bring you to her."

You leaned back into your seat. Was he telling the truth? Maybe he was the group that your father hired?

"That's it. Anymore questions?" He asked standing up.

You thought for a little. No questions came to mind, so you shook your head.

"Alright well-"

"Wait. When are you bringing me to my mom?"

"As soon as we get the message to move out. We need to make sure Got7 doesn't find us or you."

You nodded your head and stood up.

"Hey y/n, if you want to change I'm going to have Suga give you a tour of the house," RM said opening the French doors.

Great the one guy in this house that creeps you out is going to give you a tour. This shouldn't be awkward, you thought to yourself.


You decided not to change and just wait in the lounge that you and RM had the talk in.

Soon enough Suga walked in the room and stood right at the doorway. You weren't paying attention until he coughed to get your attention.

"Let's go," He said roughly.

You quickly stood up and made your way over to him. Once you got to him, he left the room and walked down the hallway. Every now and then he would point to a door and say in was a bathroom or closet.

The house was pretty big. You eventually made it to the back of the house and looked out the back door. On the left was a cute garden. It had a large variety of flowers and small little statues and a few benches with a cherry blossom tree in the center of it all.

On the right side of the large yard was a beautiful pool. The water looked like glass. You were in awe. There was also a hot tub near the back of the pool. All of it looked so relaxing, you just wanted to slip in the pool right now, but sadly you couldn't swim too well.

Suga noticed you staring in awe and broke your gaze with his hand. He waved it in front of your face which made you jump slightly.

I slight chuckle escaped his mouth and you looked up at him.

He looked away and pointed to the pool, "Do you want to go swimming?"

You looked away and shook your head.

"Aw come on. You definitely look like you want to. Let's go and get you a bathing suit," he said grabbing your wrist and pulling you up to your room.

"Oh yeah and all of the bedrooms are up on this floor, so you can knock on any of these doors and it'll be one of us," he finished reaching your door.

"There should be a few bathing suits. Hopefully they fit you. When you are done, just go right outside. I'll be out there already," and with that he left for his room.

You entered your room and walked to your dresser. You opened the top drawer and there indeed was 3 different bathing suits. You grabbed the first one. It was a two piece and dark blue. It had cute flowers on the side of it.

You changed kinda quick and to your pleasant surprise it fit almost perfectly

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You changed kinda quick and to your pleasant surprise it fit almost perfectly.

You grabbed a white sheer coverup and slipped it on over your suit. You kept your hair down and walked out of your room to the hallway.

You began to walk down the stairs until you saw someone at the end of it.

It was Jimin.

He looked up at you and a smirk played on his face. You looked away with a blush present. Why him? He's such a flirt? Why him?

He made his way up to you.

"So you're going swimming I see. Suga is really lucky to spend time with you. Especially since you're wearing that," he looked you up and down and sent you a wink.

Heat rose up in your face and you rushed down the stairs straight to the back door without looking back.

"Why is he such a flirt? It makes me a little uncomfortable," you said to yourself once you were outside.


You looked up and saw Suga standing right in front of you with an unamused look.

I decided to post earlier cause why not?
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was pretty blah, but now you know the whole story...or do you?
Anyways the next chapter is going to be better hopefully. A little drama. Some swimming. Some flirting...who knows?
Oh wait I do! Lol.
Ok that's all for now!
Please support me!!
erin :) <3

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