Chapter 13- Revealed

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     You looked in the cameras and saw that Rm and JB were....


Tears ran down your face from when you saw Rm shoot BamBam. Why? Why would he do that?

You glanced back at the still Thai boy, lying on the ground.

He can't be dead. He can't be.

You looked back to the other screen to see Rm walking away from JB. And JB let him...


You looked from screen to screen.

Rm was on his way to shivered at the thought of seeing him here in front of you.

The door.

He was at the door that led to the basement. Did JB tell him where I was?! You were so confused as to what was happening.

Rm opened the door.

You heard it.

You heard footsteps begin to make their way down. You glanced around the room to see if there was anywhere to hide. You took one last look at the screen and saw Youngjae rush through the basement door.

His feet stomped quickly down the stairs. Then you heard a loud rumbling noise.

What the hell was that? You thought.

Did Youngjae fall? Or did Rm fall?

Then the banging on the door broke through your thoughts.

"Y/n! It's Youngjae! Open up now!" You remembered that JB had said only open the door for him.

"It's JB! We can't trust him!"

You slowly made your way towards the door and unlocked it. Youngjae swung it open and your eyes widened at his suddenness. A smirk began to form on his lips.


He grabbed your wrist a pulled you further down the hall. You became quickly out of breath. He pulled you into a room. It was dark as well but there was a window near the ceiling.

It led outside.

Youngjae rushed to the window and opened it.

"Y/n! Come on! We need to go! N-"

The door bust open to reveal none other than Bts leader, Rm.

You spun around and looked up at him. He smirked at your shaking figure. You didn't want to say it but you really fucking missed him.

"I've missed you Y/n," he whispered.

Your head was spinning and you collapsed to the ground. You gripped your head and stared at the ground. What was happening?! 

Then Jinyoung appeared behind Rm, slamming him to the ground.

"Hurry! Take her now!" Jinyoung yelled trying to hold back Rm as long as he could.

Youngjae dashed over to you and scooped you up and placed you through the window. He climbed out behind you and carried you bridal style before running to a car that Jackson was driving.

Youngjae hopped in and Jackson sped away. Your head was still killing you and Youngjae began searching for a water bottle.

"Y/n? Are you ok?" Jackson asked. You didn't respond.

Youngjae had found some water and immediately handed it to you. You gratefully accepted it and downed the drink.

Your head began to feel much better already.

"T-thank you," you breathed out.

"No problem," he replied smiling lightly at you.

That's all you could remember.

You blacked out.


You woke up in a bright room. It looked like a little girl's bedroom. When you tried to sit up, a sharp pain went through your head making you lay back down. You glanced around the room and noticed small things.

There was a collection of stuffed animals in the left corner of the room and next to that was a white dresser with trinkets alined on it. On the left wall there was a huge window being covered by light yellow curtains. You were laying under some paisley pink printed blankets.

The door to the right began to open, immediately focusing all your attention to it. Youngjae appeared.

"Good morning Y/n. How are you feeling?"

You avoided his question with your own,

"What the hell is going on?"

The smile on Youngjae's face dropped and he sighed.

"You probably have a pretty bad headache. I got you some medicine with a glass of water," Youngjae made his way over to the night stand and put said things down. "Take the pills, then when you are done, come to the living room. It's to the left. Second room to your right," Youngjae stated before he got up and left.

You did as he told. But you slowly began to make your way down the hall. You heard some voices talking. You were surprised to hear a female voice.

You entered the room and it became so silent you could hear a pin drop. You saw Youngjae, Jinyoung, and Jackson all sitting on one couch. And on the one across from it they were talking to a middle aged woman. She looked at you kindly. Her hair was shoulder length and slightly grayed. She had brown eyes that shine brightly.

"Y/n! Come in and sit!" Jackson said pointing to a chair next to his couch.

You looked at the boys with furrowed eyebrows indicating your confusion before sitting in the seat.

"How are you feeling Y/n?" The lady asked.

" better," You stuttered. "Who are you?"

The lady smiled kindly.

"I'm a friend of your mom's," she stated simply. "My name is So-won."

You nodded a response.

"What's going on? I really need to know," you whispered. You were surprised that So-won heard you.

"Your mom hired the boys of Got7 to protect and bring you to her, but Bts has gotten to you first. What just happened at the house surprised both your mother and these boys here." She explained. You nodded along wanting to hear everything. You hoped and wished that this was the truth. She continued,

"Apparently the other four boys were working under cover with your 'father' and Rm. None of the other boys in Bts knew about this besides Rm."

You were shocked. But he shot BamBam! Wait Bambam was a bad guy the entire time!

"What about BamBam?!" You yelled looking at the three boys for answers.

"I guess it was all part of the act," Jinyoung stated looking down at the ground.

Their friends betrayed them. I can't believe it. That's got to hurt.

"This whole thing is stupid! Why does it have to be me! I never asked for any of this!" You yelled jumping up from your seat.

"Y/n, calm down."

The voice of a different lady spoke. Her voice was deeper and wiser than So-won's. You looked over to see an older lady standing at the doorway. She was wasn't much older looking than So-won, but she looked more mature.

"Who are you?"

"I'm your mom..."

Woah! Ok yikes.
So this chapter was a little blah. AND OMG as I was writing this one I saw that I got 100 reads!

That's not a lot I know, but every milestone means the world to me!
Thank you!
-erin :) <3
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