Chapter 6- Thunder

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     You laid on your bed for hours. No one dared to come to you after what happened. Not even their fearless leader would come to your door. You skipped lunch, took a shower and changed into a blue hoodie with white knee length leggings.

You laid there. You never wanted to leave this room. Your eyes were a little puffy from when you were bawling in the shower.

You looked over at your clock which read:

You didn't want to leave, but you didn't want to starve either.

And like they had been listening to your thoughts, a knock came at your bedroom door.

"Y/n, it's Jin. I just-"

You swung open the door. For some reason Jin comforted you. He didn't even have to say anything. It's weird since he was the one you kidnapped you, but he had almost a motherly aura around him that just calmed your nerves.

Jin stopped and looked down at your figure. He smiled lightly at you, "Dinner is ready. Do you want to come eat?"

You slowly nodded your head. His smile grew slightly and he wrapped his arm around your shoulder protectingly while he lead you down to the dining room.

Once you two entered the room, all eyes were on you. But before anyone could say anything Jin spoke up,

"No one talk to y/n or bother her in anyway. She's had enough for tonight."

Everyone nodded and looked back down at their plates and bowls of rice.

You sat on the left of Jin. No one sat to yours and no one sat in front of you. Thankfully.

Dinner was quiet and awkward, but you didn't mind. Once you were done, Jungkook came up and took your dishes. You looked up at him and he just gave you a small smile.

Jin looked over at you, "Want me to take you back?"

You simply nodded and both of you got up leaving the rest of the boys in the room.

You were making your way up the stairs until Jin grabbed your hand and stopped you.

You have him a confused look and a light blush dusted your cheeks.

"Look y/n, I just wanted to let you know, that I'm really sorry. I'm sorry for kidnapping you and scaring you like that."

You saw the boys start to come out of the dining room, so you decided to keep this conversation private. You tugged Jin's arm and pulled him into your room. You shut the door and locked it.

Jin seemed a little confused by your sudden actions, so you simply said, "The boys were coming."

Jin nodded. He made his way to your bed and sat down. You followed suit.

"Hm...where was I? Oh! Right. I'm also really sorry about the guys y/n. They can be very inappropriate at times especially with a girl," he chuckled and scratched the back of his neck.

You looked at him. You didn't really know what to say. You couldn't say it was ok because, well, it wasn't ok. You've been kidnapped.

Jin sighed and looked down to the ground.

"I'll make sure nothing like that happens again, ok?" He said referring to argument earlier that day.

You nodded your head and just kept staring at him. You never really looked at Jin before. He was extremely handsome. Well all of them were, but his face looked so sweet compared to the others.

"Hey I know I'm handsome, but you don't have to stare," he joked looking into your eyes.

You blushed and looked away.

"I should be going. You need your rest. Goodnight y/n, sleep w-"

Before he could finish a loud thunderclap sounded throughout the sky, shaking the house.


You jumped in fear.

Like you said earlier, loud noises scared you.

Jin noticed this and worry was written all over his face.

"Y/n, are you ok?" He asked scooting closer to you.

You nodded real quick and got under the covers. More booms of thunder sounded and this time tears began to form at the brim of your eyes. Jin moved his body next to yours and pulled the covers down to reveal your crying face.

Jin took you up into his arms and laid your head against his chest. You blushed at his movements, but you soon nuzzled more into his chest when you heard another thunderclap.

Jin wrapped his arms around you, one on your waist and the other stroking your hair.

You could hear him whisper things such as, "Sh it's ok, everything's going to be fine." "It's just some thunder, it can't hurt you."

No one has ever comforted you when this usually happens. It was nice. You fell asleep while he was still soothing you.


You woke up to an enormous rumble of thunder. Lightening flashed through your windows. Jin left you sometime in the night. Your clock read: 3:09

More thunder rumbled. This time you were alone. You walked to your door and tried it...

They forgot to lock it.

If it wasn't thundering and raining outside, you would definitely escape.

You roamed the halls, holding on to yourself as the thunder shook the house.

It was dark. The only light shinning your way was from the lightening that occurred almost every 10 seconds.

You made it down stairs. You passed the dining room, kitchen, the lounge room, and here you were staring out the back door.

It wasn't raining like you thought. But there still was a storm.

More thunder echoed through the night which forced you to wince and cover your ears. Tears dared to fall, but you stayed strong.

You walked around some more and you came across something. Something Suga's tour never brought you to.

The front door.

You stared at it in awe. You could escape. Right now.

You thought about it. Maybe the boys were testing you. Maybe they knew you would wake up, find the door, and have the mental conflict.

Should you leave? They've given you so much, and they could possibly be leading you to your mom and protecting you.

You kept staring at the door. Contemplating on what to do.

If they knew, if this is just a test, they must've known what you were going to do.

You sighed, turned away and began to make your way back up to your bedroom.

But that's just what they thought you would do.

Boy were they wrong.

I really liked this chapter! It was shorter than usual but not by much.
The next chapter is going to be a little more quick paced. I mean if you didn't understand what just happened basically she's gonna try to escape, if she succeeds is another question. You also have to remember that this girl has only been captured by these boys for like one full day. They haven't even been together that long so of course she's still not entirely trustworthy of them.
Anyways... I hope you enjoyed!
Please support my story!
erin :) <3

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