Chapter 15- Hide and Seek

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     So-won came back in only a few minutes. We all talked and joked around at the table.

We finished the food and just sat there enjoying each other's conversations and stories and jokes. It was nice. For once, I actually feel safe.

"Hey Y/n, can I talk to you privately real quick?" Jinyoung asked you quietly.

You nodded your head and both of you stood up. Everyone watched you two.

"Uh I need to talk to her privately for a minute," Jinyoung sputtered.

Youngjae and Jackson's gaze hardened when those words left his mouth, but you shook it off and followed Jinyoung to a private room. He closed the doors and made his way over to you.

You were confused. Jinyoung's head was down and he wasn't looking at you.

"Jinyoung? Is everything ok?"

He shook his head.

"What's wrong?" You asked trying to get him to look at you.

He sighed and finally your eyes met each other. His glowed with worry and fear.

You placed your hand on his cheek and spoke softly,

"Tell me."

"Y/n, I'm scared for you. I know we haven't spoken to each other, or even know each other that well, but I have this urge to protect you."

Your eyes softened as he spoke.

"Please let me stay by your side always Y/n. I-I don't want to lose you."

Your eyes widened and you dropped your hand. Why is he saying all of this?

"Y/n, I think...I think I lo-"

Before he could finish, Youngjae and Jackson burst through the door.

"Y/n! Jinyoung! We've been looking everywhere for you two!" Jackson yelled as he made his way to you.

Jinyoung dropped his head and looked down again.

What was he going to say?

Jackson slung his arm around your shoulders and Youngjae stood next to you as well.

They are acting weird.

"Come on let's go back," Jackson said as he tugged you along with him.

As you four we making your way down the hall, gun shots blasted through surprising all of you.

You fell to the ground and Jackson scooped you up. You were covering your ears and tears brimmed your waterline.

All of you entered the living room along with your mom and So-won.

Yelling and gunshots were just muffled sounds against the pressure you were applying to your ears.

"Youngjae! Take Y/n to the hiding spot!" You barley heard Jackson yell.

You were then transferred to Youngjae's arms as he ran down the hall to a bedroom. He placed you down and opened the closet door.

You watched as he opened another door that was camouflaged with the wall.

"Get in, be quiet, and stay here until me, or one of the others come to get you. Got it?" He said very calmly.

You took a deep breath and nodded but before climbing in, Youngjae places his hand on your cheek and looked you straight into your eyes.

"Everything will be ok. We're going to protect you no matter what."

Youngjae slid the door close and left you in the dark small place.

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