Chapter 9-

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Lexis POV...

It's been about a week since the whole Jayden thing and nothing really has changed. At least one of the boys goes with me and Casey everywhere it's ridiculous I'm lucky I'm on holidays for work for the next 2 weeks but I can't even go to the toilet without being questioned, and with Nationals coming up that's hard because we are meant to be at the studio practising but the boys don't think it's safe and Kelly doesn't like having the boys in there a lot because people get distracted. So we have been practising at Luke's house till late and up again early the next morning so were not missing anything, it's what we would be doing if we were going to the studio. We have to keep our fitness up, you see Casey is more of a stay at home and work out in the back yard which is okay for Mikey because he can help and watch her all while eating pizza. For Luke and Ash who are the ones who usually come with me get to go for runs around the blocks and to the gym yay haha sucks for them but it's the only way I can train because if I'm at home I'm just going to give up and eat.

I was lying in Luke's bed alone he had got up an hour ago 'couldn't sleep he said'  he wouldn't let me sleep on the lounge because if someone came in I was there for the taking and he just didn't want to leave his room so we shared his bed. I knew it was almost 5:30am I was just waiting for my alarm to go off but it seemed to take forever. So I got up and started to get ready I walked in the bathroom and undressed standing in front of the mirror only in my bra and undies looking at the cuts on my body that were slowing healing and the bruises that were finally starting to go down.  I pulled my wavy blonde, pink and purple hair into a high pony tail then pulled on my gym shorts, just as I was about to grab my shirt someone opened the door. I snapped my head around and was stunned and just stood there frozen.

"Ummm Luke told me to get medication from in here, I didn't know you were in here" he sounded real cocky with the last bit

"Well where else would I be, now here" I said handing him the bottle of tablets still trying to cover myself up.

"Lex clam down sweetie remember I have seen it before, but you your different, more beautiful just" he was walking closer and closer making me push myself more against the wall. 

"Ashton leave now" the more time I spent with the guys the more confident I got but they could still scare the hell out of me if they needed to.

"What's wrong scared Luke will be mad" I shook my head as he went to grab me I quickly ducked under his arm and ran out of the bathroom and he followed angry in his eyes.

"Ash did you get, what's going on here" he looked confused and angry all at once and Luke was one person I didn't like to see angry.

"I went to get the medication and Lexi was doing her hair she kissed me then took of her shirt she wanted more Luke it seems she is getting more confident and turning into a right little slut" I looked at Ashton I was shocked but it's nothing I would past him, lying to save his own butt. I looked at Luke and he looked even angrier then before but he also looked hurt I just wish I had found my voice to tell the truth.

"Lex put your shirt and shoes on lets go" I nodded and quickly got ready and raced down behind Luke. Casey was on the lounge lying on Mikey's chest, it was so cute I'm glad Casey was happy I just wish it was with a nothing guy.

"You ready to go" I nodded and we both left the house and started jogging.

"Luke I'm sorry about before" he didn't answer he just kept jogging beside me only glancing at me every so often to see if I was still next to him. We were walking in the gym before he even said on word to me.

"So do you think you're ready for nationals?" he said holding the door open for me.

"Yeah but I'm really nervous" I said jumping on the treadmill.

"Why you're an amazing dancer" he got on to one next to me and smiled at me through the mirror. I got butterflies in my stomach something I haven't felt in a long time.

Casey's POV...

I fell sleep last night on Michaels chest while we were watching a movie, I was happy with him he makes me feel like a princess but Lexi doesn't like him and understand why like he is in a gang with her brother and all that but Mikey seems different he would never hurt me I know it.

I felt Mikey moved underneath me.

"Morning Casey"

"Morning Baby" I smiled kissing him on the lips which turned into a making out pretty quickly. After a few minutes Mikey pulled away.

"Wanna go for a drive" I was confused I thought we were having fun here but I nodded and got up anyways to go get changed.

I ran up to Mikey's  room where I had put my bag full of clothes that I brought over when I was told I had to stay here to be safe. I grabbed a green and white summer dress and denim jacket and put black ballet flats on quickly did my hair and make-up and ran out to Mikey's car. 

"So where are we going"

"You will see" he smiled and drove out of the driveway I just smiled and pulled out my phone and texted Lexi.

-To LexiMissMonkey

Hey Lex, Mikey and I are going for a drive will be back later, hope your training hard and give Luke a chance maybe I can see he likes you.

After about 5mins I got a reply.

-To MrsCaseyDreamCakes

 Sorry at gym but leaving soon, and Okay have fun, be safe and make good choices we have nationals in a week so don't kill yourself. And I am I benched 10kgs more than before I started training with Luke.

And I want to give him a chance but a chance is all it takes.

I knew what she was talking about I knew she was scared of falling for anyone but I knew there was a spark there.

-To LexiMissMonkey.

Lexi I know you feel that way, but I know there is a spark there and I know you feel it to

-To MrsCaseyDreamCakes.

It only takes a spark to make a fire and get burnt.

I sighed giving up knowing no matter what I texted now I wouldn't get a reply that's the thing with Lex she is a sweet girl but god she is stubborn once her mind is made up. That's where I see Luke and her being good together, the time I have spent with the boys I have noticed that Luke is literally the guy version of Lexi its scary to be honest.

"Where here Casey" Mikey smiled as we both got out of the car we were at another house

"Where are we?"

"This is mine place"

"But I thought"

"Na all us boys have our own house that one's Luke's but since the whole Lexi thing we all went to his house to look after her because well he is very over protective of her"

"I see"

"Ma lady" he said holding the front door open.

I sat on the lounge and Mikey kept walking into what I believe was the kitchen and came back with 2 glasses of water.

"Thanks" I smiled with him sitting next to me.

"Let's watch a movie" he jumped up and pulled out one and put in the in player and came and sat next to me pulling me into his chest and kissing me on the forehead. We were about halfway through the movie but I couldn't concentrate having Mikey's chest against me and when he noticed I was looking up at him he placed a small kiss on my lips which of course with us two turned in making out I rolled over putting a leg either side of him deepening the kiss, after a little bit he pulled back.

"Why don't we take this up stairs" I smiled and nodded and Mikey stood up and carried me up to his room laying me on his bed he crawled over me his face inches away from mine he planted another kiss on my lips as my hands went down to the ends of his shirts and started to pull it off. He pulled away just so I could pull his shirt off fully then he was straight back to kissing me, I was ready for this I wanted him so bad.


haha sorry 

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