Chapter 13

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Luke's POV...

Us boys all spilt up and started looking around the venue I went outside looking around the streets and the doc that was around. I walked along the water side trying to find Lexi there were heaps of dancers out there warming up and dancing around but no Lexi.

But I wasn't giving up on her.

I kept walking soon I was walking where no one was around the odd person walk past here and there. I looked up a little further there was a bench looking out over the Sydney Harbour and a girl sitting on it.

"Can I sit down" she looked up at me I was surprised to see no tears running down her face or her make-up all smudged instead she looked as if nothing had happened. She just nodded and looked out over the harbour

"Are you okay Lex"


"Are you sure because"

"I'M FINE" she scream, yelling in my face, she sat back taking a deep breath

"Sorry" she spoke quietly

"It's okay sometimes a good scream helps, trust me" she looked at me and a small smile appeared on her face making me smile as well. We sat in silence for about 10mins before I broke the silence.  

"So you ready to dance"

"What's the point anyways I only started dance because my brother wanted me to, and now he isn't even here so"

"So what I know you love dance otherwise you would have stopped a long time ago you wouldn't train as hard and wouldn't be so worried about missing rehearsal, so what if your brother made you start you wanted to keep going so you did"

"I guess"

"Take every chance, drop every fear"

"What's that from" I looked at her confused

"That's what my tattoo says" I smiled as she smiled up at me.

"Let's go you got some trophies to win" I grabbed her hand started running back to the building making her laugh along the way.

"Come on catch up" I yelled back at her

"I can't my legs are shorter than yours"

"Here" I stopped and bent down


"Get on"

"What no"

"Just do it" she smiled jumping on my back and I started running again piggybacking her back into the building

"Slow down Luke you're going to hit someone"

"Nope" I laugh I kept running till I saw Ashton, Calum, Mikey and Casey standing around looking worried as hell till they saw us coming.

"Thank god we thought we would never find you Lex, are you okay"

"I'm fine Casey"

"Yeah Luke's got her Casey she's fine" Mikey said trying not to burst out laughing.


Lexis POV...

"Come on Lex they already have finished block one"

"What" I said as Luke put me down, I didn't think I was gone for so long but I guess I wasn't really looking at the time.

"Yep so let's go" I smiled at Luke and mouthed thank-you as I ran to catch up to Casey god she was fast.

We got back to the dressing room and fixed our hair and make-up and got changed into out costumes. Then we got called to stage I was so nervous I thought I was going to throw up.

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