Chapter 12

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"Get up Lexi we have to go it's already 9 and we need to be there by 9:30 so move your butt"

"5 more minutes" I rolled over and ended up rolling out of bed whacking my head on the ground

"Owww" I cried rubbing my head.

"Come on lets go" Casey grabbed the blanket I was wrapped in and pulled it taking me with it.

"STOP....PLEASE...STOP" I yelled laughing my head off but I'm guess the boys didn't hear the laughing because all four of them ran upstairs like there was a murderer in the house.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Well I fell off the bed because Casey woke me up"

"And she wouldn't move so I pulled the blanket and she came with it and this happened" we both laughed

"Well then" Mikey laughed and kissed Casey on the lips

"Come on girls you have to be there in like 20mins" I huffed and stood up

"Nice Pj's Lex" I looked at Ashton and then down at my pj's it was just a plain blue singlet and my white and light pink shorts which were kinda short but I only slept in them.

I looked over at Luke who was giving Ashton a weird look he wasn't happy with his comment I'm guessing.

"Anyways time to get ready Casey" I walked into Luke's room and Casey went to Mikey's and grabbed her back she went down stairs as I was shutting the door to change. I can't believe that nationals where already here like there today all our hard work pay's off today.

I went to my bag and pulled out my black dance short shorts that had dance written on the bum of them, Which Casey was wearing as well. I also grabbed my blue crop top and black dance jumper that said Dance Princes on the back. I pulled of my singlet and pulled on my crop top I dropped my shorts and pulled on my dance shorts leaving them down a little and stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom I looked at the tattoo on my hip running my finger along it. I thought of my brother and all the good times we had it made me smile how close we were I loved him so much but I go angry pretty quickly remembering he left me. I heard the door open startling me I quickly fixed my pants covering the tattoo and walked out of the bathroom and met eyes with Luke but he wasn't really looking at my eyes.

"Ummm hi" I smiled

"Hey" he said with the cheesiest grin showing his two cute ass dimples on his cheeks.

"Hi" I said blushing like crazy I was only in short shorts and a crop top, I quickly grabbed my jacket and pulled it on zipping it up so it was covering my stomach and leaving it undone so you could see my crop top under it but not my skin.

"You ready to go"

"2 minutes" I walked into his bath room and took my hair out of the lose ponytail I put it in last night and brush my hair it was naturally straight so I just left it down with my side fringe across my face I pulled my bright blue slippers on the Casey called my smurf slippers

"Okay let's go"

"Are you aloud to have the colours in your hair for dance and that?"

"Yeah they just think its part of the costume"

"And your tattoo" he looked at me while walking down that stairs he really isn't letting it go he has talked about it the past few day since he was told on Monday.

"It's too low to be seen out the top of any of my costumes it too low" I said pretty bluntly

"Oh that's hot" I gave him a death glare and pushed past him on the stairs walking out to the cars I got in Casey's car and all the boys were in Luke's

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