Chapter 18

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Luke's POV...

We jumped in Mikey's car since mine and Ashton's is in a million pieces in a parking lot and started making our way across town to Jayden's house.

"I swear to go if he has touched Casey I'm going to kill him" none of us said anything because we all were thinking the same thing about all of the girls me mainly Lexi I wanted to kill Jayden I wanted him to suffer as well and he is only doing this because of these stupid gangs we are all in but it is the life we all chose to live and live it we shall.

Lexis POV...

My hands were bond and so were my feet and I was lying on my back who knows wear. I could hear screaming and shouting as I regained my consciousness I fought to get my eyes open to see where I was. The room was dark and cold the curtains were ripped and outside was pitch black, we weren't at his house this time.

Another scream rang out through what looked like a warehouse I knew that scream anywhere it was Casey I wanted to get up and help her but I couldn't move the ropes on my hands and feet were so tight I couldn't move an inch. I kept fighting trying to pull the ropes lose but they wouldn't budge.

"Don't even bother doll face" I snapped my head to the door and Jayden was standing there with a smug look on his face.

"Jayden you"

"Save doll face you're not going anywhere you're staying here with me"

"Let the girls go they haven't done anything"

"Oh they can go once the boys are done with them" my jaw dropped trying to find something to say, but nothing came out.

"Lost for words are we, that's funny thought I would get a little more out of you" I just laid there.

Luke's POV...

We pulled up to the font of Jayden's house and there were no cars out the front we walked to the front door and Calum pushed it open it wasn't even locked we searched the house and no one was there.

"No one's here guys" I yelled out as we all walked into the lounge room and stared at each other.

"So now what"

"We find them"

"How" I looked at everyone, that it I didnt know how I didnt know where they would be.

I heard a car pull up the front.

"Guys" I started running out side and two of Jayden's guys were standing at their car guns armed and aiming at us and the second we were out shots were fired. I pulled the hand gun out of my back pocket and so did the rest of the guys.  

The gun fight lasted only a matter of minutes till one of the guys were dead and Calum and Mikey has gotten around the other side of the car and grabbed the other gun from behind and held him while the rest of us walked over to him putting our guns away.

Mikey grabbed the guys gun out of his hand turned the safety on and put it in his pocket.    

"Did Jayden send you" he didnt say anything he just laughed.

"I asked you a question I yelled punching him in the stomach

"Save it mate you don't scare me"

"Really, you should be" I punch him again making him double over.   

"Now answer my question"

"Yes he did he wants you all dead and he won't stop till it's been done"

"Where did he take Lexi" once again he didnt say anything.

"I said"

"I heard you, but why should I tell you"

"So I don't kill you" he laughed

"Not kidding mate" I punched him again harder than the other times before.

"He...He took them to a warehouse across town"

"What does he want with them, why is it so important to him" I tighten my grip on him

"He wants to kill them all besides Lexi he just wants to keep her, he wants to make Joey suffer, he wants to make you all suffer" he crocked our I had him by the throat Calum had let him go and I was holding him up of the ground.

I was so angry I kept tightening the grip on his neck I could blanked out everything no knowing I was killing him, till Ashton started shaking my shoulder yelling at me to let him go.

"You can't kill him Luke we need to know how to get to the girls" I let the guy go dropping him to the ground, but picking him up again and chucking him in the back of the car and we all got in I was driving.

 "Show us where they are" I demanded as I pushed the accelerate hard to the floor and speed off.

Lexis POV...

I was laying in only my bra and undies, for the second time with Jayden he wouldn't stop staring at me he was moving my undies down further and further they didnt get all the way before he stopped just looking around my hip area.

"Well, well, well didnt expect little miss good girl to have a tattoo especially not here" he said running his finger along the tattoo

"Take every chance drop every fear, haha will do honey" he ripped my undies fully down with a smug look on his face running his hands up and down my legs

"Oh you're so hot" I opened my mouth to talk again but I couldn't get any words out. I could still here Lisa and Casey screaming and yelling for help and the other guys laughing.

I thought Luke would have come by now but it wasn't anywhere to be seen. I could see the sun rising through the window as I closed my eyes Jayden was still feeling up and down my body. He would slap and punch me every time I would scream or yell I could feel the burses coming up on my skin it was a worse repeat of last time.

 His touch was nothing like Luke's I felt nothing he was a gross pig that if my hands and feet weren't tied I would kick in the balls and run away. After what felt like years which in reality was 5 minutes Jayden's had got off me and left the room. I felt so violated and sick I wasn't fully naked my bra was still well kinda it was moved around a heap and was so unconfutable right now and my undies were around my ankles.

The screams had stopped and I could faintly hear Jayden talking to the other guys in the house and the sweet chirping of birds, I wish I was a bird right now I could fly away from this town and never come back.

I heard the front door open and close and Jayden talking still, while he was down there I knew I had to get out I moved my hands and feet again and again trying to loosen the ropes, I felt more and more movement in my left hand I slipped it out and quickly undid the other hand I sat up slowly because my rips were so sore from being punch many times.

"Well Doll face...WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING" Jayden walked back in his face turned as red as a tomato straight away. I tried to undo the ropes on my feet but I didnt get time Jayden came over and slapped my face grabbing my hands I tried to fight as much as I could. I punched his face making his lip bleed and my knuckles which now were killing from punching so hard.

"You Bitch" he screamed as he punched me so hard in the face and that's all I remember, falling back down on the bed and my hands being tied up again.

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