01 || Mystic Falls

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Hello peeps!!

After trying months to find a new app or make the one i used to use work i finally got it to work yayy!!

So yes i did a trailer and I'm so happy with the outcome. I have to say that I'm no professional editor or anything like that so please no harsh comments and I'd appreciate only good nice ones, please. I tried my very best on making it and I'm happy about it.

And check out my OC's video!!


-Elizabeth's P.O.V-


I woke up by my alarm going off. I went to Hayley to ask her if she wanted me to make her breakfast. When I knock on the door to her room, but didn't hear any answer. Having no answer from her i entered the room to be surprised by what i saw. Everything was cleaned up and packed leaving nothing. I perked my ears to see if she was in the bathroom, but there was no sound, not even the heart beat. Panic started to rise in me, Hayley would never leave without telling me. Checking her small closet my eyes widen when there were no clothes. It was like from night to day she had disappeared. That's when it hit me, Hayley my oldest sister the one that told that we would stick together forever left me. I felt so much anger and sadness, i flipped over a table while tears fell down my cheeks. Why would she ever do this to me, after our parents kicked us out, she leaves me.

What kind of sister does this, after everything. I threw a chair across the room breaking it against the wall. Why, i mean we were the best sisters, best friends. My last family memeber, the only one i truly had just left. No note, no reason. What sister does that.

I fell to the floor, my knees hitting the hard ground. I was sure they would bruise, but me being a werewolf they would heal pretty easily. I felt so mad and sad, i could know what to do.


Was the only thing i could ask myself right now.

My blood boiled in anger and i felt my wolf side taking over with the anger. She left me, my own sister left me. I clenched my jaw and i felt my eyes burn and i knew they were glowing. But it was somehow different. Something had changed in my eyes. Family is forever, but Hayley betrayed me.

And she will pay for this.

End of Flashback



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