15 || Bayou Attack

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

​​​​​​Elizabeth walked into the Bayou just in time for a man to appear on a motorcycle. "Which one of you is in charge?" the man asked.

"Who's asking?" Jackson said and Elizabeth walked further in standing beside Elijah and Hayley. She frowned at the man and Hayley shrugged.

The man smirked and Elizabeth raised her eyebrows. Before anybody could know what was happening Elijah speed over and instantly the motorcycle exploded sending everyone away.

Elizabeth screamed when she landed on a wood piece and impaled on her side just where the scar she had was.

Her eyes water and she gasped feeling the pain rush through her body. "Ah!" she screamed trying to move but it made the pain worse.

"Elizabeth!" yelled Hayley running over to see her sister with a wood sticking up her side. She ran over and bent down beside her.

Elizabeth hissed as Hayley touched it. "Don't" she groaned not wanting to feel more pain. "I have to take it out if you don't want to bleed out" stated Hayley going to grab it.

Elizabeth growled and quickly clutched Hayley's hand to stop her. "Hayley" she spat and Jackson hearing the growl ran over.

He worriedly bent down. "Jackson i need you to hold her hands down" instructed Hayley to the man she was meant to get married with.

He nodded and Elizabeth tried prying them off but the more she moved the more it hurt. "No!" she cried. "Elizabeth trusts me on this i need to take it out or it'll get worse...please for this once trust me" the two sisters looked at each other.

It was obvious Elizabeth didn't trust Hayley and her asking her younger sister to do so now was a big deal. Jackson saw this as he held the girls' hands down.

"Fine" grunted the browned haired girl and her sister nodded at Jackson. Elizabeth closed her eyes getting ready for the pain.

"1...2...3!" she counted before ripping it out and quickly pressuring down. Elizabeth screamed and Jackson struggled with the strength she had.

She turned at will so her strength was more than his.

Jack your shirt" Hayley called and he passed it to her and Elizabeth with hands let go covered her teary face.

Hayley pressed down and saw the scar her sister already had just an inch away from where the branch had got stuck.

"It's ok, it's ok" she tried calming down her sister. Elizabeth breathed in feeling her body already healing.

She looked at Hayley who gave her a hopeful smile. With a huff, she stood up with Jackson's help and looked around before back at her sister.

"Thank...you" she spits out and Hayley smiled. It was forced thanks but she was happy her little sister appreciated it.

"You're welcome" she said and Elizabeth walked away to sit down on a log. Jackson frowned and Hayley waved it off.

With that, she went to see who else needed help.


Elijah stopped beside Elizabeth. She had already healed completely not even the slightest did the wound show. Only her old scar.

"Are you ok?" Elijah asked and she nodded. "Yes" was her answer and he nodded. His phone ringed and he answered.

After a short conversation, Jackson had joined. "Is she ok?" asked Jackson about Hayley who had called. "Apparently yes" sId Elijah and Elizabeth frowned.

"Good now to the important, why would a vampire attack the Bayou i mean these people did nothing" she said out loud and Jackson clenched his jaw.

"I don't know but it's a good thing it bombed enough where it did" the wolf said and Elizabeth gave him a look. "Hello, i almost died" she made it obvious and Jackson gave her a sorry smile.

"It could've been a lot worse, people could've gotten killed" he said and Elizabeth rolled her eyes. It was obvious he cared more for his pack and Hayley then her she didn't care but a little compassion for her wouldn't hurt.

"Or missed," Elizabeth frowned at Elijah's statement. He looked around and looked at them worried. "Get everyone out of here...NOW!" he demanded and another explosion sounded.

Elizabeth bent down annoyed and angry at another bombing. As multiple sounded she looked up hearing kids cry.

Her eyes landed on a small boy who didn't know where his parents were. Instantly she rushed over and before another bombed exploded she grabbed the kid.

He cried and she cooed him down looking around for his parents. "Oh God" his mother cried and she ran over to her grabbing her kid.

Elizabeth smiled a little. "Thanks" the woman said and she nodded. "Go now" she states​​​​​​ and they ran to hide from any other attack.

As bombs stopped blowing up Elizabeth looked around to see some people lifeless and burned up while others cried over their lost ones.

"Help! Somebody help!" Oliver cried for help as Eve was stuck under a trailer. She quickly ran over and with strength carried it up.

They pulled Eve out of under the transporter. Dropping the trailer Elizabeth walked over.

As they put Eve inside the shack and onto the bed, Elizabeth frowned when the wound wasn't healing.

"That should be healing by now" Elijah pointed out her thoughts. "She never killed anyone, never activated the curse, not like us" Oliver said and she winced.

"My blood, it could heal her" Elijah suggested and Elizabeth looked at him surprised he was willing to give his blood to a wolf. Or more like an unactivated wolf.

"Vampire blood? Trust me she'd rather die" Elizabeth turned to the blonde man. "Oliver not the moment to show your hatred towards vampires" she snapped.

At a moment like this, he should be thankful for Elijah's help. And Elijah gave Elizabeth a small grin taking his side.

"Look we can't just let them get away with this" Oliver was someone who couldn't control himself and it was annoying yo Elizabeth.

"We don't even know who to blame-"

"The hell we don't! And if we don't fight back they'll just do it again" Jackson looked at Oliver with serious us. Elizabeth watched as he used his alpha role like in a 'are you challenging me?' way.

The she-wolf looked at both men who seemed to have forgotten about the injured woman.

(A/N) Hello peeps!!

OMG, i updated!! i am so happy cause i made another chapter and am halfway through the next one. Sorry for the delay in updating this book, but as you know i was into my other story "It's Sabrina" that i finished and if you haven't checked it out i suggest you do (it's a Klaus Mikaelson love story too).

Sorry for any misspelling :)

Remember to comment!!



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